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Sowei 2025-01-13
Tweet Facebook Mail King Charles will deliver his Christmas Day message from a church with links to the medical community, Buckingham Palace said, in a break with tradition amid his continued cancer treatment. The 76-year-old monarch revealed in February that he was battling an unspecified cancer and returned to public duties in April. Last week, a palace source told CNN that his "treatment has been moving in a positive direction" and "will continue into next year." The annual festive broadcast is normally recorded at Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. But the British monarch opted to film this year's message at Fitzrovia Chapel in central London, which was previously a hospital chapel before it was demolished in 1924. READ MORE: Mangione pleads not guilty to United Healthcare CEO's murder  King Charles III recorded his Christmas message at the Fitzrovia Chapel in London on December 11. (Aaron Chown/WPA Pool/Getty Images via CNN) Buckingham Palace confirmed the location on Monday afternoon after it was first reported by The Daily Telegraph. Charles' decision marks the first time in over a decade that the address has not been recorded on the royal estate. The last message filmed outside a royal residence was in 2006 when the late Queen Elizabeth II recorded her message at Southwark Cathedral. Fitzrovia Chapel – a beautifully ornate Grade II-listed building featuring Byzantine-inspired architecture – is "now a space for quiet reflection, discovery and celebration, connecting diverse communities from all faiths or none," according to Buckingham Palace. READ MORE: Woman accused of poisoning Aussie student charged with attempted murder  Kate and William's heartwarming Christmas card revealed View Gallery The venue also boasts unique royal links as King Charles' grandfather, the Duke of York – later George VI – laid the foundation stone when it was rebuilt in 1928 and returned to help open the building when it was completed in 1935. The chapel was restored between 2013 and 2015. The choice of location reflects the King's deep spirituality and will be seen as an apt selection in a year when both he and his daughter-in-law, Catherine, Princess of Wales, faced their own health challenges. The annual speech from the monarch is traditionally recorded earlier in December and broadcast on television and radio at 3pm on Christmas Day (2am Boxing Day AEDT). DOWNLOAD THE 9NEWS APP : Stay across all the latest in breaking news, sport, politics and the weather via our news app and get notifications sent straight to your smartphone. Available on the Apple App Store and Google Play .By Claire McCaskill This is an adapted excerpt from the Dec. 9 episode of "Deadline: White House." During an interview with NBC News’ Kristen Welker on “Meet the Press,” Donald Trump was asked whether he intends to fire FBI Director Christoper Wray, a man the president-elect himself appointed during his first term. Trump responded by railing against Wray, telling Welker he was “unhappy with the things he [Wray has] done.” He then accused the FBI director of invading his home — a reference to the court-approved search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property after he refused to return classified documents taken from the White House during his presidency. Kinzinger basically told Trump to bring it on. It’s the perfect response. I recently saw the movie “The Apprentice” and it crystallized, for me, what Trump’s entire communication strategy is. It’s pretty simple, there are three things central to Trump’s philosophy: First, always attack. Second, lie whenever you need to. And third, never admit you’re wrong. And if you look at his interview with Welker, that’s exactly the formula Trump followed. He tried to turn every question that was asked of him into an attack on someone else. He lied when he needed to, and he refused to admit that he was wrong about anything . To that end, during the same interview, Trump made a threat against members of the Jan. 6 committee, telling Welker they should “go to jail.” Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who served on the committee then responded to that threat, told CNN he has “absolutely no worries” the president-elect will try to put him in jail. “First off, the executive branch can’t go after the legislative branch because we embarrassed him,” he said on Sunday. “That’s not a sin, that’s not against the law.” Kinzinger basically told Trump to bring it on. It’s the perfect response to the president-elect’s strategy of attacks and lies. Now, I’m not saying that Trump can’t disrupt people’s lives with investigations — the power of a prosecutor to ruin someone’s life without ever bringing charges is real. But having said that, whether it’s a civil or a criminal case, Trump and the lawyers who surround him know that the Constitution says defendants get a jury trial. They also know that in a criminal trial, the jury must agree unanimously, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a crime was committed. You can’t prove that without evidence, and prosecutors, frankly, don’t bring cases without evidence. So despite the bluffs and bluster central to Trump's communications strategy, a lot of his threats, as Kinzinger says, are just howling. Allison Detzel contributed. Claire McCaskill, a Democrat, was the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from Missouri. She is currently an MSNBC and NBC News political superph

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NEW YORK , Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Why: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, continues to investigate potential securities claims on behalf of shareholders of Light & Wonder, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNW) resulting from allegations that Light & Wonder may have issued materially misleading business information to the investing public. So What: If you purchased Light & Wonder securities you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement. The Rosen Law Firm is preparing a class action seeking recovery of investor losses. What to do next: To join the prospective class action, go to or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email for information on the class action. What is this about: On September 24, 2024 , the Las Vegas Review-Journal published an article entitled "Slot manufacturer scores major win against Las Vegas -based rival." The article stated that "Aristocrat Technologies Inc.'s request for a preliminary injunction in its trade-secret and copyright infringement lawsuit against Light & Wonder" had been granted, and that the "order prohibits [Light & Wonder] from the 'continued or planned sale, leasing, or other commercialization of Dragon Train,' which Aristocrat claims uses intellectual property developed for its Dragon Link and Lightning Link games." On this news, Light & Wonder's common stock fell 19.49% on September 24, 2024 . Why Rosen Law: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company at the time. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs' Bar. Many of the firm's attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers. Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: , on Twitter: or on Facebook: . Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Contact Information: Laurence Rosen, Esq. Phillip Kim, Esq. The Rosen Law Firm, P.A. 275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 686-1060 Toll Free: (866) 767-3653 Fax: (212) 202-3827 View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE THE ROSEN LAW FIRM, P. A. Stay Informed: Subscribe to Our Newsletter Today

Democrats select three nominees to replace Rep. Emma Kerr Carpenter in Montana HouseNone

BAKU, Ázerbájdžán--(BUSINESS WIRE)--XII 10, 2024-- Xsolla, globální společnost zabývající se obchodováním s videohrami, oznámila strategické partnerství se společností StarNest a ázerbájdžánskou Agenturou pro inovace a digitální rozvoj (IDDA) s cílem založit program „Xsolla StarNest Academy and Incubator Program“. Tato transformační spolupráce byla představena na největším herním festivalu v regionu Gamesummit Winter Edition 2024 v ázerbájdžánském Baku. Tato tisková zpráva obsahuje multimediální prvky. Celou zprávu najdete zde: (Graphic: Xsolla) Festival Gamesummit Winter Edition 2024 upozornil na růst herního průmyslu v Ázerbájdžánu a zahrnoval diskuse o trendech, osvědčených světových postupech a prezentace lokálně vyvinutých her. Na festivalu společnosti IDDA a Xsolla odhalily plány na posílení postavení místních vývojářů, herních designérů a studií pomocí špičkových školení, inkubačních a akceleračních programů a přístupu k finančním a technologickým zdrojům. Toto partnerství nově vymezí roli Ázerbájdžánu v globálním herním průmyslu a zároveň podpoří místní talenty a inovace. „Tato spolupráce otevírá rozsáhlé možnosti pro realizaci společných projektů, které budou hnací silou rozvoje ázerbájdžánského herního sektoru,“ uvedla Yevgenija Bikmurzina, vedoucí oddělení inovačního ekosystému IDDA. „Ázerbájdžánská herní studia získají přístup k nástrojům a zdrojům potřebným k tomu, aby se prosadila na globálním trhu.“ „Toto partnerství představuje pro společnost Xsolla významný milník, protože spolupracujeme s ázerbájdžánskými lídry na uvolnění potenciálu regionu,“ řekl Rytis Joseph Jan, SVP globálních strategických partnerství ve společnosti Xsolla. „Spojením našich globálních odborných znalostí s vizionářským vedením našich partnerů chceme v Ázerbájdžánu posílit novou generaci talentů a podpořit smysluplné inovace s globálním dopadem.“ Inkubátor a akcelerátor Xsolla podpoří ázerbájdžánskou komunitu herních vývojářů tím, že jim poskytne nástroje, mentoring a zdroje, které jim umožní proměnit nápady v úspěšné projekty. Inkubátor pomůže vývojářům v rané fázi vývoje zdokonalit koncepty, získat technické znalosti a spolupracovat s mezinárodními odborníky. Akcelerátor bude pomáhat zavedeným studiím při rozšiřování jejich projektů a nabídne přístup k financování, mentorství a kontaktům v globálním průmyslu. Cílem těchto programů je získat pro Ázerbájdžán pozici klíčového hráče v herním průmyslu a vytvořit místním talentům příležitosti k úspěchu na globální úrovni. Akademie Xsolla StarNest poskytne 90 mladým lidem specializované školení v oblasti vývoje her. Kromě toho bude v roce 2025 spuštěn inkubační program na podporu místních herních studií, který nabídne mentoring od mezinárodních odborníků, přístup k finančním zdrojům a možnosti prezentovat hry na globální úrovni. Ázerbájdžánská telekomunikační společnost StarNest povede úsilí o zajištění speciálního zařízení pro akademii, které zajistí prostředí příznivé pro růst a učení. IDDA nabídne strategický dohled s cílem sladit iniciativu s národními cíli Ázerbájdžánu v oblasti digitální transformace. Společnost Xsolla rovněž zkoumá možnosti zřízení svého regionálního ústředí pro střední Asii v Baku, aby dále podpořila svůj závazek vůči komunitě a herním vývojářům v regionu. Bude sloužit nejen jako regionální centrum, ale také jako technologické centrum pro špičkový vývoj a podporu svých špičkových řešení v oboru. Díky partnerství se společností Xsolla StarNest to znamená novou kapitolu pro ázerbájdžánský herní sektor, která odráží společnou vizi, jak zemi postavit do pozice regionálního lídra v oblasti vývoje her a digitálních inovací. Tato průlomová spolupráce vytváří předpoklady pro to, aby se Ázerbájdžán stal centrem herních inovací a rozvoje talentů. Další informace jsou k dispozici na adrese: Xsolla je globální společnost zabývající se obchodováním s videohrami, která nabízí robustní a výkonnou sadu nástrojů a služeb určených speciálně pro toto odvětví. Od svého založení v roce 2005 pomohla společnost Xsolla tisícům herních vývojářů a vydavatelů všech velikostí financovat, prodávat, uvádět na trh a zpeněžovat jejich hry po celém světě a na různých platformách. Posláním společnosti Xsolla jako inovativního lídra v oblasti obchodování s hrami je řešit neodmyslitelné složitosti globální distribuce, marketingu a monetizace a pomáhat tak našim partnerům oslovit více zeměpisných oblastí, generovat větší příjmy a vytvářet vztahy s hráči po celém světě. Společnost sídlí a je registrována v Los Angeles v Kalifornii a má kanceláře v Londýně, Berlíně, Soulu, Pekingu, Kuala Lumpuru, Raleighu, Tokiu, Montrealu a ve městech po celém světě. Další informace jsou k dispozici na adrese IDDA je ázerbájdžánská vládní agentura, která se specializuje na digitální diplomacii a analytiku a nabízí výzkum, školení a poradenství pro posílení digitální přítomnosti institucí. Hraje klíčovou roli při utváření moderních diplomatických strategií prostřednictvím digitálních nástrojů a analýzy dat. Další informace jsou k dispozici na adrese StarNest je přední ázerbájdžánská telekomunikační společnost poskytující internetová a síťová řešení, včetně širokopásmových služeb, firemního připojení a podpory IT infrastruktury. Společnost StarNest se věnuje umožnění technologického růstu a digitální transformace v celém Ázerbájdžánu. Další informace jsou k dispozici na adrese GameSummit je významná ázerbájdžánská organizace zaměřená na rozvoj herního průmyslu. Prostřednictvím akcí, jako jsou Gamesummit Winter a Summer Editions, vytváří příležitosti pro místní herní studia, podporuje inovace a zvyšuje povědomí o kariérních vyhlídkách v oblasti her a elektronického sportu. Další informace jsou k dispozici na adrese Text této zprávy v původním, zdrojovém jazyce je oficiální verzí. Překlad této zprávy do jiných jazyků poskytujeme pouze jako doplňkovou službu. Text zprávy v původním, zdrojovém jazyce je jedinou právně závaznou verzí této tiskové zprávy. Zdrojovou verzi najdete na : CONTACT: Kontakt pro média Derrick Stembridge Globální ředitel pro vztahy s veřejností, Xsolla KEYWORD: AZERBAIJAN ASIA PACIFIC INDUSTRY KEYWORD: TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONIC GAMES PAYMENTS FINANCE ENTERTAINMENT FINTECH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SOFTWARE TRAINING EDUCATION SOURCE: Xsolla Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/10/2024 04:19 PM/DISC: 12/10/2024 04:20 PM

Lindsey C. Gibson, a psychologist, coined the term "emotionally immature parents." She said there are 4 types, from reactive and critical to passive and emotionally absent. Most parents fall into one type, and all types can negatively impact kids in the long term. Relationships with parents or caregivers can be strained for many reasons. If you feel like you can't connect with your parent or like you're walking on eggshells around them, it's possible they're emotionally immature . Advertisement Dr. Lindsay C. Gibson , a clinical psychologist, coined the term in her bestselling book, "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents." While these parents are sometimes labeled as " narcissists ," Gibson previously told Business Insider that she finds the label too broad and unhelpful. Advertisement Instead, she told BI that emotionally immature parents generally "show problems with being egocentric" and deal with conflict by "denying, dismissing, or distorting anything they find unpleasant." They also struggle with self-reflection and empathy, which makes it hard for them to really bond with their kids. These relationships can be confusing because these parents are often not all bad, she said. They can meet your physical needs, such as taking care of you when you're sick or offering lots of financial support. But emotionally, they fall short. Gibson said there are four types of emotionally immature parents. While a parent can be more than one type, she said that most tend to fall into one category. She defines each type by the parent's "unique methods of coping with emotion and stress." Advertisement She shared the four types as well as the effects emotionally immature parents have on their kids. 1. Reactive parents Prasit photo/Getty Images Reactive parents struggle to regulate their emotions . They can appear volatile and erratic, getting angry or upset over issues you wouldn't expect them to. Gibson refers to reactive parents as "emotional parents" because they behave like they're ruled by their feelings. "They make life so unpleasant when they get upset that people start involuntarily automatically thinking twice before they speak or do something," Gibson said. Advertisement Kids of parents like these often grow up to be people-pleasers , always on the lookout for potential conflict that they might need to stamp out. They may also have a hard time setting boundaries or even disentangling their feelings from their parents'. 2. Highly critical parents laflor/Getty Images Highly critical parents are perfectionists who nitpick at everything their child does. Gibson also calls them "driven" parents, because "they're always going after something." In childhood, they may pick apart your grades or gymnastics performance. In adulthood, it can evolve into judging your job, lifestyle, or appearance. Advertisement "They can be very pushy and very controlling," Gibson said, not caring about the impact their words have on you. "It's coming from a belief that in order to be anybody or accomplish anything, you've got to really have that drive and keep on trying to be perfect, otherwise you're likely to be a total failure." Kids of these parents can end up burning out or choosing careers they don't like, simply because their parents would disapprove of their passions. Related stories 3. Passive parents urbazon/Getty Images Passive parents are often the more "fun" parents. In fact, they tend to be the most emotionally present out of all four types, Gibson said. They're at their best when they're playing a game with you or taking you to an amusement park. Advertisement "The problem is that they are just kind of passive in their role as a parent," Gibson said. When faced with more challenging aspects of parenthood, like pushing back if their spouse screams at their child, they step back. They might literally leave the room as abuse happens. "They don't seem to feel that protective need to step in to help the child," Gibson said. When their child exhibits any uncomfortable emotions, such as anger or fear, the passive parent doesn't comfort or even acknowledge them. They might even deny a child's abuse allegations because it would complicate the family dynamic to confront the other parent or another relative. Advertisement It makes it hard for their kids to have healthy relationships later in life. They learn to hide their feelings and receive no guidance on how to resolve conflict effectively, Gibson said. 4. Emotionally absent parents Zinkevych/Getty Images Emotionally absent parents act like their child doesn't exist. Gibson calls them "rejecting" parents because they're unable to respond to their child's emotional needs or bids for attention . "That child feels not important enough to command the parent's attention," she said. It can cause issues in a child's self-esteem. Advertisement Because these children are so frequently ignored, she said they can later date narcissistic people who finally give them the focus they've always craved. They're so used to accepting the bare minimum from people that they might not have high standards for their partners or friends. Dealing with emotionally immature parents If you recognize your parent in any of these, there are a few things you can do to become less enmeshed . You can set boundaries with a parent by slowing down your speech and calmly restating your needs. If you have the kind of parent who always criticizes you, you can practice the " gray rock method ," giving unemotional, neutral responses to keep drama at bay. Advertisement If those tactics are too challenging or you feel unsafe around your parent, you can consider lowering your contact or completely cutting ties . Even if it's tough at first, it's always possible to break the cycle by standing your ground and focusing on healthier relationships in your life.Notable quotes by Jimmy Carter

On Friday, December 6th, 2024, the labor union representing the professional engineers working at Seattle-based aerospace manufacturer Boeing announced that hundreds more union employees would be laid off in the coming months. According to the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA), 222 members of Boeing's current workforce received layoff notices this upcoming week, including 184 engineers and 38 technical employees . Get all the latest aviation news from Simple Flying! The labor organization, which represents around 17,000 employees at Boeing facilities across the states of Washington, Oregon, California, and Utah, did not indicate what portion of the workers who had been laid off were employed in each of these states, according to local news outlet King 5 . The union indicated that it would be continuing to review data released by Boeing for the layoffs to ensure that no union contracts are violated . These layoffs are not entirely unsurprising given the rhetoric coming from Boeing's management team, amid extensive issues facing the manufacturer. Boeing did not immediately respond to Simple Flying's request for a comment on this latest round of layoffs. Your changes have been saved Email is sent Email has already been sent A move that comes in line with recent decisions Boeing executives announced earlier this past fall that they anticipate cutting around 10% of their workforce to help address some of the company's difficulties that have resulted in the wake of heavy financial losses over the past five years. Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, the manufacturer's current flagship narrowbody product, were involved in a pair of deadly crashes in 2018 and 2019. A door-plug blowout on an Alaska Airlines flight earlier this year would also damage the company's reputation. The company, which desperately needed to increase its aircraft production numbers in order to deliver more aircraft faster, was also hit by a weeks-long machinist strike this fall. According to Reuters , this strike was estimated to have cost the company over $1 billion. This news likely does not come as a surprise. Therefore, it is unsurprising to see the company choosing to continue its campaign of layoffs, with the 222 employees who received notices this week set to part ways with the company in the first few months of next year. The company's overarching strategy appears to be focusing on aircraft families that bring the company the most reliable sources of revenue, and cutting down on costs it views as unnecessary. Not the first layoffs the company announced in recent months Back on November 27th, Simple Flying reported on layoffs at Boeing that were estimated to see around 200 people lose their jobs . These employees are set to part ways with the company on January 17th, 2025, so it is safe to say that those who received layoff notices last week will likely leave the company not long after. In total, Boeing has laid off 2,199 employees this year in Washington alone, in addition to dozens more from this past week, according to the company's filing with the Washington Employment Security Department. Boeing's financial difficulties have only continued throughout 2024, with the company seeing stock prices fall by around 35% since January.Several times following New England’s 24-21 loss to the Buffalo Bills, Patriots coach Jerod Mayo said he wanted to review the game film before making a final assessment of his team’s performance. He did, and on Monday he said the overarching feeling he was left with was one of pride. Going toe-to-toe with one of the best teams in the NFL is commendable. Mayo also remains confident this group has even more room for growth over its final two games this season. “To be frank, I don’t believe in good losses,” Mayo said. “I think there’s a lot to learn from the game. Look, we’re headed in the right direction, but it’s all about consistency, and we have to do that on a down-after-down, a game-after-game basis to be successful in this league.” What is also clear is that despite their 3-12 record, Patriots rookie quarterback Drake Maye wants people to know that he and his teammates believe in their coach. No matter what conversations might be going on outside the Patriots locker room regarding shortcomings by the coaching staff, or Mayo’s job status. “We’ve got his back, and he’s coached us hard. He wants to win. We all want to win. We’re all frustrated,” Maye said. “We’re just plays away, and it’s basically me turning the ball over. I think it’s just a testament to these guys that keep fighting. We keep fighting. Shoot, we’re not going to make the playoffs; we’re out of the race, and these guys are coming in, frustrated when we don’t score. ... So, I think we’re building something good, building something that feels right here, and I’m proud to be a Patriot.” Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings.

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