DETROIT (AP) — Starting in September of 2027, all new passenger vehicles in the U.S. will have to sound a warning if rear-seat passengers don't buckle up. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said Monday that it finalized the rule, which also requires enhanced warnings when front seat belts aren't fastened. The agency estimates that the new rule will save 50 lives per year and prevent 500 injuries when fully in effect, according to a statement. The new rule will apply to passenger cars, trucks, buses except for school buses, and multipurpose vehicles weighing up to 10,000 pounds. Before the rule, seat belt warnings were required only for the driver's seat. Under the new rule, outboard front-seat passengers also must get a warning if they don't fasten their belts. Front-center seats will not get a warning because NHTSA found that it wouldn't be cost effective. The agency said most vehicles already have warnings for the outboard passenger seats. The rule also lengthens the duration of audio and visual warnings for the driver's seat. The front-seat rules are effective starting Sept. 1 of 2026. Rear passengers consistently use seat belts at a lower rate than front passengers, the agency says. In 2022, front belt use was just under 92%, while rear use dropped to about 82%. About half of automobile passengers who died in crashes two years ago weren’t wearing belts, according to NHTSA data. The seat belt rule is the second significant regulation to come from NHTSA in the past two months. In November the agency bolstered its five-star auto safety ratings to include driver assistance technologies and pedestrian protection. Safety advocates want the Department of Transportation, which includes NHTSA, to finish several more rules before the end of the Biden administration, because President-elect Donald Trump has said he’s against new government regulations. Cathy Chase, president of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, urged the department to approve automatic emergency braking for heavy trucks and technology to prevent impaired driving.Telegram promotes extremism, new study reveals SPLC analyses 28,000 channels and found that algorithm pushes users toward radical content Telegram has come under scrutiny for its role in promoting extremist content, according to a recent study from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) shared exclusively with the BBC . The report, Telegram’s Toxic Recommendations, revealed that Telegram’s "similar channels" feature, which was introduced last year, directs users to extremist material—even those simply browsing mundane topics like technology or entertainment. The study, which analysed 28,000 channels on the platform, found that the algorithm consistently pushed users toward radical ideologies. For example, when SPLC researcher Megan Squire searched for “Donald Trump,” the algorithm immediately recommended multiple channels promoting the QAnon conspiracy, which claims without evidence that Trump is secretly battling an elite ring of Satan-worshipping paedophiles. Similarly, a search for “UK riots” led to far-right extremist content, including memes about Adolf Hitler and violent extremist channels. Squire emphasised the danger of this algorithmic recommendation system, saying that it does not just suggest extremist content—it actively helps radicalize users by leading them from one form of extremism to another. She pointed out that Telegram has become a platform where real-world events are organized, as evidenced by the spread of false claims and calls for protest after the Southport knife attack in August. Telegram claims to take harmful content seriously, removing millions of pieces of illegal material every day, and asserts that it does not “inject or promote content” but instead offers suggestions based on user interests. However, critics argue that Telegram is not doing enough to prevent the spread of extremism. Elies Campo, a former insider at Telegram, revealed that founder Pavel Durov had shown little interest in cracking down on extremist content, dismissing the need for stronger moderation. Meanwhile, Professor David Maimon from Georgia State University, who has studied illegal content on the platform, confirmed that Telegram has become a key space for illegal activities, including arms trafficking. Telegram’s failure to address these concerns has led to growing calls for greater accountability and regulation of the platform. ‘We can block VPNs but we won’t do it', says PTA chairman WhatsApp enhances video calls with four new features WhatsApp to simplify channels, status updates with new shortcuts US court rejects TikTok request to temporarily halt pending US ban
CIPL Publishes Discussion Paper on Applying Data Protection Principles to Generative AI
"I don't think LeBron is Michael at all" - Steve Kerr explained why Kobe is more similar to MJ than LeBron"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" 1914 translation by H. Rackham "But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?" To keep reading, please log in to your account, create a free account, or simply fill out the form below.
Bristol's 21 lead Hampton past Loyola (MD) 76-68
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) — Maddie Zimmer and Ilse Tromp both had two goals and an assist in the first half and Northwestern beat Saint Joseph's 5-0 in the championship match of the NCAA Division-I women's field hockey tournament at Phyllis Ocker Field on Sunday. It was the second championship for the second-seeded Wildcats (23-1-0), who have played for the title in four straight seasons. Northwestern beat Liberty 2-0 in 2021 before losing to North Carolina the past two seasons. No. 4 seed Saint Joseph's (20-4-0) was in uncharted waters with its first trip to the final. The Hawks eliminated top-seeded North Carolina in the semifinals to advance. The Tar Heels have won the championship in half of their 22 trips to the final. Northwestern grabbed the lead 6:25 into the first quarter when Zimmer used an assist from Tromp to score. Zimmer had an assist on Olivia Bent-Cole's eighth goal of the season for a 2-0 advantage, and Tromp found the net with 25 seconds left with assists from Lauren Hunter and Ashley Sessa for a 3-0 lead. Hunter and Sessa again had the helpers on Zimmer's 10th goal of the campaign, and Hunter and Regan Cornelius assisted on Tromp's 11th goal of the season 2:42 later for a 5-0 lead at halftime and that was that. Annabel Skubisz finished with her school-record 14th shutout of the season for Northwestern. Zimmer and Tromp are the second duo to score multiple goals for their school in a championship match. Zimmer was named the tournament MVP. It was the second championship for Wildcats coach Tracey Fuchs. Northwestern joins North Carolina and Old Dominion as the only schools to reach the championship match in four straight seasons. Six schools have won multiple titles.
A SWARM of drones varying in "size and configuration" was seen flying over a £40m RAF airbase that is set to house American nuclear weapons. The US Air Force confirmed the drones were spotted above RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk - where a fleet of American F-35s and F-15s are put on standby in case of any major escalation. Authorities have so far denied to comment on the nature and type of drones that were seen over the military facility on Wednesday, November 20. A US Air Forces in Europe spokesperson told The War Zone: "The number of UASs fluctuated and they ranged in size [and] configuration. "The UASs were actively monitored and installation leaders determined that none of the incursions impacted base residents or critical infrastructure" Unconfirmed reports suggest F-15E Strike Eagles were scrambled to chase the drones that affected the flight operations at the base. read more military news The US Air Force is yet to respond to those claims. “To protect operational security, we do not discuss our specific force protection measures but retain the right to protect the installation,” USAFE told the military website. “We continue to monitor our airspace and are working with host-nation authorities and mission partners to ensure the safety of base personnel, facilities, and assets.” RAF Lakenheath is a critical military facility that stores the US Air Forces in Europe's only fourth and fifth-generation fighter wing, besides being home to F-35A & F-15E tactical jets. Most read in The Sun What makes the drone incident even more important is Vladimir Putin's threat against the West. The raging dictator warned he could strike British and US military targets in his biggest threat yet after Ukraine fired Nato missiles into Russian territory. In a televised address on Thursday, Putin said military facilities inside the UK and the US could become valid targets for the Russian forces as a direct response to Ukraine's use of US-made ATACMS and British Storm Shadow missiles. He said: "Russia considers itself entitled to use weapons against military facilities of countries that permit the use of their weapons against Russia. "Since this moment, as we have underscored repeatedly, the conflict in Ukraine, provoked by the West, has acquired elements of global nature." Earlier this year, bombshell documents from the Pentagon revealed the US is set to store nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. The tell-it-all documents from the US Department of Defence’s procurement database revealed plans for a “nuclear mission” set to take place “imminently” at the RAF base. They showed the Pentagon had ordered new equipment for the base, including ballistic shields designed to protect military personnel from "high-value assets" attacks. RAF Lakenheath is expected to take in B61-12 gravity bombs which have a variable yield of up to 50 kilotons. The nuclear warheads will be up to three times the strength of the deadly Hiroshima bomb at the air base, according to the procurement contracts. Nuclear missiles were removed by the US from the UK in 2008 when the threat of Cold War was believed to have diminished. RAF Lakenheath has been run by the US Air Force under British regulations and laws for decades now. The agreement allows the US to have a home for its nuclear weapons that can be deployed by F-35 fighter jets. Russia has previously said it would view the US placing weapons in Britain as an “escalation” that would be met with “compensating counter-measures”. Maria Zakharova, a Russian foreign ministry spokesman, said prior to the latest announcement: “If this step is ever made, we will view it as escalation, as a step toward escalation that would take things to a direction that is quite opposite to addressing the pressing issue of pulling all nuclear weapons out of European countries. “This practice and its development force us to take compensating countermeasures designed to reliably protect the security interests of our country and its allies.” The return of weapons to the UK is part of a huge Nato push to develop and upgrade nuclear sites across the world in preparation for a potential escalation of fighting. The Pentagon has not confirmed it is planning to store nukes in the UK. A spokesman said: “The United States routinely upgrades its military facilities in allied nations. Unclassified administrative budget documents often accompany such activities. “These documents are not predictive of, nor are they intended to disclose any specific posture or basing details. “It is US policy to neither confirm nor deny the presence or absence of nuclear weapons at any general or specific location.” Meanwhile, villagers close to the American military base in West Suffolk , fear they could become Vladimir Putin' s target if bombs are stored there . In the event of World War 3 , the American Air Force warplanes based in the UK would be called in. But villagers are worried that their little community could find itself at the centre of a major international conflict, with tensions increasing due to Putin's war with Ukraine and Hamas ' attack on Israel . One fumed: ”I fear we will become one of the first targets if this conflict escalates. "The enemy will want to neutralise any threat coming from the Americans and us and could well strike first. READ MORE SUN STORIES " It doesn’t bear thinking about. “This is a small happy village and we have got used to having the Americans here. "But there is always the risk that if they get involved in a war in the Middle East we will inevitably be drawn in – and military bases like Lakenheath will become a key target for any enemy.”
Tennis: Murray to join Djokovic's coaching team ahead of Australian OpenBuy These Best Sipper Water Bottles for Everyday UseChris Mubiru leads Northwestern State over North Alabama 71-58Dartmouth sorority, two members of fraternity face charges after student who attended party drowned HANOVER, N.H. (AP) — A sorority at Dartmouth College and two members of a fraternity faces charges related to the death of a student who drowned after attending an off-campus party. The Hanover, New Hampshire police department, where Dartmouth is located, said Friday that Alpha Phi was charged with one count of facilitating an underage alcohol house. Two members of the Beta Alpha Omega face a charge of providing alcohol to a person under 21. Won Jang, 20, of Middletown, Delaware, had attended an off-campus party in July hosted by Alpha Phi sorority. Police said the alcohol was provided by Beta Alpha Omega. Tens of thousands of Spaniards protest housing crunch and high rents in Barcelona BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Tens of thousands of Spaniards are marching in downtown Barcelona to protest the skyrocketing cost of renting an apartment in the popular tourist destination. Protesters cut off traffic on main avenues in the city center, holding up homemade signs in Spanish reading “Fewer apartments for investing and more homes for living." The lack of affordable housing has become one of the leading concerns for the southern European Union country, mirroring the housing crunch across many parts of the world, including the United States. The average rent for Spain has doubled in the last decade. In cities like Barcelona, rental prices have also been driven up by short-term renters including tourists. Jason Kelce's wife announces she is pregnant with the couple's fourth child Former Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce's wife is announcing she's pregnant with the couple's fourth child. Kylie Kelce posted a photo on Instagram on Friday of the couple's three young daughters reacting to the news. The oldest daughter, Wyatt, appears to be cupping her head in shock. The middle daughter, Ellioette, is smiling. The youngest, Bennett, is in tears. A caption attached to the photo reads: “I feel like we captured a very accurate representation of how each of the girls feel about getting another sister. At least Ellie, mom and dad are on the same page!” Israeli-Moldovan rabbi living in UAE is missing. Israeli officials fear he may have been kidnapped DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — An Israeli-Moldovan rabbi living in the United Arab Emirates has gone missing, with Israeli authorities raising the suspicion he may have been kidnapped as tensions remain high with Iran. The Israeli prime minister’s office said that Zvi Kogan has been missing since noon Thursday. It said that against the backdrop of information that this was a terrorist incident, an extensive investigation has been opened in the country. Emirati officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment Saturday. State-run media in the UAE, an autocratic federation of seven sheikhdoms on the Arabian Peninsula and home to Abu Dhabi and Dubai, did not immediately report the incident. Alyssa Nakken, first full-time female coach in MLB history, leaving Giants to join Guardians CLEVELAND (AP) — Alyssa Nakken, the first woman to coach in an MLB game, is leaving the San Francisco Giants to join the Cleveland Guardians. Nakken made history in 2022 when she took over as first-base coach following an ejection. A former college softball star at Sacramento State, Nakken joined the Giants in 2014 and was promoted to a spot on manager Gabe Kapler’s staff in 2020, becoming the majors’ first full-time female coach. Nakken has been hired as an assistant director within player development for the Guardians, who won the AL Central last season under first-year manager Stephen Vogt. Nakken, 34, will work with former Giants coaches Craig Albernaz and Kai Correa. Officer kills pet dog mistaken for a coyote in Massachusetts town. The owner says it was unnecessary An animal control officer shot and killed a pet dog in a Massachusetts town after mistaking it for a coyote in an incident local police are describing as a sad mix-up. Police in Northbridge, Massachusetts, say the shooting happened on Tuesday after police received a call of a report of a coyote in a residential backyard. Police say the animal control officer went into the woods to look for the coyote and found what they thought was the animal in a threatening position and shot it. The incident happened as communities around Massachusetts and the country have dealt with an uptick in interactions between coyotes and people. Kendrick Lamar surprises with new album 'GNX' LOS ANGELES (AP) — Kendrick Lamar gave music listeners an early holiday present with a new album. The Grammy winner released his sixth studio album “GNX” on Friday. The 12-track project is the rapper’s first release since 2022’s “Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers.” Lamar’s new album comes just months after his rap battle with Drake. The rap megastar will headline February's Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show in New Orleans. The 37-year-old has experienced massive success since his debut album “good kid, m.A.A.d city” in 2012. Since then, he’s accumulated 17 Grammy wins and became the first non-classical, non-jazz musician to win a Pulitzer Prize. NBA memo to players urges increased vigilance regarding home security following break-ins MIAMI (AP) — The NBA is urging its players to take additional precautions to secure their homes following reports of recent high-profile burglaries of dwellings owned by Milwaukee Bucks forward Bobby Portis and Kansas City Chiefs teammates Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce. In a memo sent to team officials, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, the NBA revealed that the FBI has connected some burglaries to “transnational South American Theft Groups” that are “reportedly well-organized, sophisticated rings that incorporate advanced techniques and technologies, including pre-surveillance, drones, and signal jamming devices.” Ancient meets modern as a new subway in Greece showcases archaeological treasures THESSALONIKI, Greece (AP) — Thessaloniki, Greece’s second-largest city, is opening a new subway system, blending ancient archaeological treasures with modern transit technology like driverless trains and platform screen doors. The project, which began in 2003, uncovered over 300,000 artifacts, including a Roman-era thoroughfare and Byzantine relics, many of which are now displayed in its 13 stations. Despite delays caused by preserving these findings, the inaugural line has been completed, with a second line set to open next year. Conor McGregor must pay $250K to woman who says he raped her, civil jury rules LONDON (AP) — A civil jury in Ireland has awarded more than $250,000 to a woman who says she was raped by mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor in a Dublin hotel penthouse after a night of heavy partying. The jury on Friday awarded Nikita Hand in her lawsuit that claimed McGregor “brutally raped and battered” her in 2018. The lawsuit says the assault left her heavily bruised and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. McGregor testified that he never forced her to do anything and that Hand fabricated her allegations after the two had consensual sex. McGregor says he will appeal the verdict.