Virginia played a recurring role in President Jimmy Carter's long life , from his Navy stint in Norfolk in the 1940s when the young ensign sought to save money for a Buick, to a 1976 presidential debate at the College of William & Mary, and a 2019 Loudoun County stop in which he questioned the legitimacy of President Donald Trump's election. Carter, who died Sunday at 100, came out of nowhere to win the presidency in 1976, largely on his strength in the South, but Virginia was the exception — the one Southern state he did not carry. Forty years later, Virginia again was an outlier as the only Southern state that Trump did not carry in 2016. Carter took part in Virginia's first foray in the modern era of televised presidential debates. On Oct. 22, 1976, he faced off with President Gerald Ford at William & Mary’s Phi Beta Kappa Hall . The debate, moderated by ABC’s Barbara Walters, came 10 days before the election and drew an estimated 62 million viewers. Virginia reacts to death of former President Carter In April 1979, Carter became the first president to address Virginia Democrats' Jefferson Jackson fundraiser, touting his energy plan during an appearance at the Hotel John Marshall in Richmond. The 39th president was a frequent speaker at Virginia colleges and universities after he left office in 1981. Carter, who taught at Emory University in Atlanta following his presidency, kicked off a 1987 talk with students at the University of Virginia by referring to Thomas Jefferson: "When he left the White House (he) had better judgment than to become a professor at a college." Carter spoke fondly of his family's roots in Virginia. One of his ancestors, Thomas Carter, came to Virginia from England in 1635. Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter — who died in November 2023 at 96 — married in July 1946. The Carters spent the first two years of their married life in Norfolk as Carter embarked on his Navy career, serving as an ensign on the USS Wyoming. Jimmy Carter and President Gerald Ford participate in a debate at the College of William & Mary in 1976. TIMES-DISPATCH During a campaign stop in Norfolk in September 1976, Carter said he and his wife moved to Norfolk four days after they were married in July 1946. Their first son, Jack — now 77 — was born at the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth in July 1947. In November 1976, weeks after Carter was elected president, Richmond Times-Dispatch reporter Wilford Kale interviewed three Norfolk residents who had known the Carters in the 1940s. The Carters lived in the Bolling Square Apartments on Buckingham Avenue and were saving their money to buy a Buick. Their one-bedroom apartment rented for about $100 a month. Kale noted that in Carter's book "Why Not the Best?" the future president wrote that when he served on the Wyoming, he was paid $300 per month. Beyond the rent, he paid $54 for his food aboard the ship and $75 for a war bond, leaving $71. Donald Cottingham served as a junior officer with Carter on the Wyoming, a former battleship that had been converted as an experimental vessel on which the Navy tested prototypes of electronics, gunnery and other equipment. Cottingham said the ship was known as the "Chesapeake Bay Raider" because it headed out into the bay on a Monday and would return on a Friday. Cottingham said he and his wife, Christine, socialized with the Carters and other young couples during those postwar days. Christine Cottingham showed the reporter a small green autograph book that she used as a guest book at parties. One of the pages was marked "Mrs. and Mr. J.E. Carter Jr. Plains Ga. 5-12-48." Christine Cottingham said the Carters were not along one night when the young couples went to a familiar haunt at the Officers' Club, which they dubbed the "Wyoming Room." "We were having a ball, but the Carters were not with us. So, we decided to send them a collect telegram, saying that we would all be over soon to have a drink with them," she recalled. "It was about midnight, and we were all happy and having a good time," she said. "Well, we really didn't get over there until later and when we arrived" around 2 a.m., "our telegram was plastered on the front door (of the apartment complex) and written on it was: 'Go home. You are not welcome!' " The Carters left Norfolk in 1948, when he was accepted for submarine duty. "We weren't thinking of Jimmy or anyone else becoming president," Donald Cottingham recalled. "As ensigns, what we were thinking about was becoming lieutenant." When Carter’s father, James Earl Carter Sr., died in 1953, he was released from the Navy and returned to Plains, Georgia, where he took over the family’s peanut farming business. Carter served on the local board of education, in the Georgia state Senate from 1963 to 1967 and as Georgia’s governor from 1971 to 1975. As he contemplated a bid for national office, Carter came to Virginia and campaigned for Henry Howell's bid for governor in November 1973. During his 1976 presidential run, Carter made multiple campaign stops in Virginia, including to Alexandria and to Roanoke. He also made news when his campaign sent a mistaken missive to Lt. Gov. John Dalton, a Republican, thanking him for his supposed endorsement. Dalton, a future Virginia governor, wrote back: "The letter was obviously misdirected, as is your position favoring repeal of Virginians' right-to-work law and your running on a platform that is liberal, anti-defense, pro-busing and expensive." One of the notable aspects of Carter's 1976 campaign was that he spoke openly about his "born again" Christianity. In a June 1976 Richmond Times-Dispatch story about Carter's faith, Dwight C. Jones, then pastor of First Baptist Church in South Richmond and a future state delegate and Richmond mayor, said: "I think it's going to have an effect on the religious community. It's been a long time since we've heard a political candidate come out with that kind of explicit religious tone." Jones said Carter "has hit a major chord by campaigning in Black churches." But Jones added that he hoped Black people would "require an affirmation" from Carter on his stands that affect them "before we would run en masse to him." William & Mary government professor John McGlennon said Carter's debate in Williamsburg "came at a critical time in the 1976 campaign" as he worked to contrast himself with President Richard Nixon and Vice President Gerald Ford. "Carter carried his own luggage into the Williamsburg Lodge, where he and his staff prepared for the debate. The campus and community were buzzing with excitement about the attention coming with the debate, even if the student body was distinctly Republican, overwhelmingly favoring President Gerald Ford in a campus survey," McGlennon said in a statement on Sunday. In the 1976 post-Watergate presidential election, Carter won nationally, but narrowly lost Virginia to Ford by about 23,000 votes out of 1.7 million cast. (No Democrat would carry Virginia for president until Barack Obama in 2008.) U.S. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., worked with Carter as a young law school graduate. “Jimmy Carter gave me my first job out of law school, and I have deeply admired his service since leaving the Oval Office," Warner said in a statement on Sunday. "His dedication to building homes through Habitat for Humanity has always brought back warm memories of my father, who also volunteered with the organization well into his eighties. Like much of the Greatest Generation, President Carter will be remembered by what he built and left behind for us — a model of service late into life, a tireless devotion to family and philanthropy, and a more peaceful world to call home.” During his presidency, Carter made appearances in Virginia related to politics, policy and recreation. Democratic presidential candidate Jimmy Carter, campaigns ib Oct. 23, 1976, in the Old Town section of Alexandria. ASSOCIATED PRESS For example, in September 1977, he campaigned in Roanoke, Norfolk and Williamsburg with Howell, who was making his third and final unsuccessful bid for governor. In April 1979, Carter attended the Democratic fundraiser at the Hotel John Marshall. The former Navy man made multiple trips to Hampton Roads, including a Memorial Day trip to Norfolk in May 1980, where he spoke aboard the USS Nimitz and welcomed home the Indian Ocean Battle Group after a lengthy deployment. As for recreation, Carter went fishing off Virginia Beach twice as president and once at Camp Hoover, a camp in Shenandoah National Park. During his 1980 reelection bid, Carter was beset by troubles — from the Iranian hostage crisis, including a failed rescue mission — to rising inflation and a nomination challenge from Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass. That March, Rosalynn Carter addressed Virginia Democrats' annual fundraising dinner at the Hotel John Marshall. She shook hands with a Goochland County Democrat who wore a lapel button that read: "Still for Carter, Despite Everything." Then-state Sen. Doug Wilder, D-Richmond, endorsed Carter for reelection, though he said Carter’s domestic performance was "dismal." President Jimmy Carter and first lady Rosalynn Carter wave to reporters as they walk to a car that took them to visit Camp Hoover in the Virginia mountains on Oct. 25, 1978. The Carters flew by helicopter to the late President Herbert Hoover's fishing camp 100 miles west of Washington, D.C., to spend a short time there. Charles Tasnadi, Associated Press Late in the campaign, Carter made two trips to the Virginia suburbs. He signed a $48 billion education appropriations bill at the Loudoun County campus of Northern Virginia Community College . Then, he signed a $796 million mental health package at the Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute in Fairfax County. In the 1980 election, Republican Ronald Reagan swamped Carter in Virginia by more than 135,000 votes — nearly 13 percentage points — as part of his national landslide. Wilder, the nation’s first Black governor, met with Carter in Virginia while he was president and in Georgia after he left the White House. In a telephone interview on Sunday, Wilder credited Carter as "the first American president I knew of who spent significant time on the need to invest in Africa" and establish independent nations there. "I was always impressed with his straightforward acumen," he said. Similarly, Wilder commended Carter, "a man of the South," for his appointment of Black people as judges and other high-ranking positions, such as Andrew Young, a former civil rights activist and congressman, as American ambassador to the United Nations in 1977, the first African American elevated to the position. "You pick a Black man to bring nations together, a Black man of the South, that was bold," the former governor said. Wilder said he was always impressed with Carter's intelligence and professional accomplishments, which he often hid beneath his image as a humble peanut farmer. Wilder "I feel that history will accord and afford him his rightful place in the pantheon of great world leaders," he said. Following his presidency, Carter tapped Virginia scholar Steven H. Hochman , who had helped research Dumas Malone's multi-volume biography of Thomas Jefferson, to help research his presidential memoir. In 1984, Carter delivered a lecture at Roanoke College, where he said the U.S. should work to reduce nuclear arsenals and to safeguard human rights. In July 2015, Carter visited the Costco on West Broad Street in Henrico County to sign copies of his book "A Full Life: Reflections at 90." During that stop, he had a reunion with former shipmate John Kaufman, 92, of Earlysville, after 68 years. Carter was 94 and his vice president, Walter Mondale, 91, when they appeared together in Loudoun County in 2019 for a donor retreat and auction at the Lansdowne Resort and Spa. Carter caused a stir in the Loudoun County appearance, when he suggested that Trump was an illegitimate president. "There's no doubt that the Russians did interfere in the election and I think the interference — although not yet quantified — if fully investigated would show that Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016," Carter told interviewer Jon Meacham at the time. "He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf." Trump, traveling in Japan, told reporters that Carter was a nice man, but "a terrible president." Trump posted on social media on Sunday: " The challenges Jimmy faced as President came at a pivotal time for our country and he did everything in his power to improve the lives of all Americans. For that, we all owe him a debt of gratitude." President Jimmy Carter addresses the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz off the Virginia coast on May 26, 1980, upon its return from nine months in the Persian Gulf. The president said, “Your presence has been the major factor in protecting the lives of the 53 hostages still held.” Bob Daugherty, Associated Press In a 2015 interview with The Times-Dispatch, ahead of his book signing at the Henrico Costco, Carter said he wished he had done a few things differently. "I'm sorry I didn't send another helicopter to rescue the hostages in Iran, and I'm sorry that I didn't get a second term," Carter said. But the nation’s 39th president said he had few regrets. "I've had some regrets," he said, "but most of the time I have been overwhelmingly grateful and gratified at the way things have worked out in my personal and political life." Jimmy Carter and President Gerald Ford participate in a debate at the College of William & Mary in 1976. TIMES-DISPATCH Carter in Virginia, April 8, 1979 Masaaki Okada 09-25-1977 Jimmy Carter visits Virginia. Bob Jones 04-08-1979 Jimmy Carter in Virginia. Masaaki Okada 04-08-1978 Carter in Virginia Richmond Times-Dispatch In late October and early November 1973, Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter (left) visited Virginia to campaign for Henry Howell. BOB BROWN Democratic presidential candidate Jimmy Carter, campaigns Oct. 23, 1976, in the old town section of Alexandria, Va., a Washington suburb. (AP Photo) Anonymous President Jimmy Carter shows off his catch after an excursion on the yacht Gannet in Virginia Beach, Va., on June 29, 1978. The Carters were hosted by Norfolk attorney Peter Decker, who owns the vessel. Carter’s wife Rosalyn and daughter are behind and at his side. (AP Photo/Barry Thumma) Barry Thumma President Jimmy Carter holds up two of the fish he caught off Virginia Beach, May 14, 1979. At left is Norfolk attorney Peter Decker who hosted the president. (AP Photo/Bob Daugherty) Bob Daugherty FILE - President Jimmy Carter attends memorial services for eight servicemen killed in the unsuccessful attempt to rescue the American hostages from Iran, May 9, 1980, at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook, File) Dennis Cook FILE - Jimmy Carter, left, and Gerald Ford, right, shake hands before the third presidential debate, Oct. 22, 1976, in Williamsburg, Va. (AP Photo/File) STF President Jimmy Carter addresses the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz off the Virginia coast on May 26, 1980, upon its return from nine months in the Persian Gulf. The president said, “Your presence has been the major factor in protecting the lives of the 53 hostages still held.” Bob Daugherty, Associated Press President Jimmy Carter and first lady Rosalynn Carter wave to reporters as they walk to a car that took them to visit Camp Hoover in the Virginia mountains on Oct. 25, 1978. The Carters flew by helicopter to the late President Herbert Hoover's fishing camp 100 miles west of Washington, D.C., to spend a short time there. Charles Tasnadi, Associated Press President Jimmy Carter lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, Nov. 11, 1978 to commemorate Veterans Day. Carter was slated to speak after the wreath-laying at the cemetery across the Potomac River from Washington. Soldiers assisting Carter are unidentified. (AP Photo/Ira Schwarz) Ira Schwarz Jimmy Carter, Democratic Presidential nominee, stands under the spot light during his audio check at the Beta Kappa Theater, Oct. 22, 1976, Williamsburg, Va., prior to his debate with President Gerald Ford. (AP Photo) Anonymous Jimmy Carter, Democratic Presidential nominee, stands under the spot light during his audio check at the Beta Kappa Theater, Oct. 22, 1976, Williamsburg, Va., prior to his debate with President Gerald Ford. (AP Photo) Anonymous 04-08-1979: President Carter, with Richmond Mayor Henry L. Marsh III, approaches the Hotel John Marshall. Don Long 09-06-1976 Jimmy Carter in Va. Richmond Times-Dispatch 04-07-1979: President Carter greets State Sen. Adelard Brault (left) upon his arrival in Richmond, while Lt. Governor Chuck Robb (right) son-in-law of the late President Lyndon Johnson peers over his shoulder. Also on hand are (center) Richmond Mayor Henry Marsh III and his wife. President Carter is making a brief visit to Richmond to attend a democratic fundraiser. amk/BennettCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Dominic Zvada kicked a 21-yard field goal with 45 seconds left and Michigan stunned No. 2 Ohio State 13-10 on Saturday, likely ending the Buckeyes ’ hopes of returning to the Big Ten title game. Kalel Mullings broke away for a 27-yard run, setting up the Wolverines (7-5, 5-4) at Ohio State's 17-yard line with two minutes remaining in the game. The drive stalled at the 3, and Zvada came on for the chip shot. Ohio State (10-2, 7-2, No. 2 CFP) got the ball back but couldn't move it, with Will Howard throwing incomplete on fourth down to seal the Wolverines' fourth straight win over their bitter rival. “You come to Michigan to play this game,” Zvada said. “So, it's the biggest one of the year. It's the one that everyone looks forward to, and to be able to come in here and take the win, it's amazing.” This Ohio State loss in the “The Game” might have been the toughest of the past four because Michigan was unranked and wrapping up a disappointing season. The Wolverines were also playing without a couple of top players: tight end Colston Loveland and cornerback Will Johnson. The Buckeyes were favored by 21 points, the widest point spread for this rivalry since 1978, according to ESPN Stats and Info. Records — and point spreads, for that matter — rarely mean much when these two teams meet. “Our defense played outstanding," Michigan coach Sherrone Moore said. "We held a high-powered offense to 10 points, 77 rushing yards.” The Buckeyes were off all afternoon. Howard was 19 for 33 for 175 yards with one touchdown and two interceptions and Jayden Fielding missed two field-goal attempts. The run game was hardly there. “It's hard, man,” an emotional Howard said. “I really don’t have much right now. I do know we're a two-loss team. We're going to get into the playoffs and make a run. But, I mean, this one hurts.” Mullings was Michigan's primary weapon. He rushed for 116 yards and the Wolverines only touchdown of the game in the first half as neither team could get much going offensively on the frigid afternoon. “They made plays, we made plays, so as the game wore on you could definitely, slowly feel them starting to lose confidence, lose that energy and lose that faith,” Mullings said. Howard was clunky all day. In the first half he threw an interception from deep in his own territory that led to Michigan's touchdown. He went out for a play in the second quarter to be checked for a head injury. After the game, he said he was fine. “We're very disappointed, and never thought this would happen right here,” Ohio State coach Ryan Day said. “We expected to win this game and go play in the Big Ten championship game.” After the game, Michigan players attempted to plant their flag at midfield and were confronted by Ohio State players. A skirmish ensued as both teams pushed and shoved before being separated. Michigan: Did just enough and caught Ohio State on an off day. Ohio State: It's inexplicable how badly the Buckeyes played in their biggest game of the season. They would need No. 4 Penn State and No. 10 Indiana to lose later Saturday in order to make it into the Big Ten title game next week. There has been talk all season about how many of the Ohio State team leaders, including receiver Emeka Egbuka, running back TreVeyon Henderson and defensive end Jack Sawyer, chose to return for another year instead of entering the NFL draft because they wanted to beat Michigan at least once. Those players were inconsolable after the game. One of them, linebacker Cody Simon, was asked how he felt. “I just can't speak that right now,” Simon said. “I feel like we let the whole Buckeye nation down.” Michigan will wait for a minor bowl game. Ohio State, assuming either Penn State or Indiana wins on Saturday, will see how the final College Football Playoff rankings shakeout on Dec. 8. AP college football: and . Sign up for the AP’s college football newsletter:
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Jessica Ennis-Hill shares top tips on how to fit in exercise around the workdayTrying to fit in routines around work can be tricky, especially for women. New research from Vitality’s ‘Active women, healthy lives’ report finds that eight in 10 women under 50 say their demanding work schedules are holding them back from being active. As a result, a quarter of women exercise less than once a week (25%), and over half of women exercise less than they used to (52%). Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill, in partnership with Vitality, is launching Walk Out to Work Out, a new initiative encouraging women to reclaim time during their busy working days to stay active. Jessica Ennis-Hill has shared a few tips to help women fit in exercise around their working day (Image: Vitality) Additionally, she has shared some top tips on how to fit some exercise in during the working day. The full ‘Active women, healthy lives’ report can be found on the website here . 1. Incorporate Exercise ‘Snacks’ Jessica shared: "As a busy mum and business owner, I know how challenging it can be to fit in long workouts. That’s why I swear by short bursts of activity—what I call "exercise snacks." "Whether it’s a 5-minute stretch between meetings or a quick walk to clear your mind, these small moments can really add up and keep you feeling active without disrupting your day. 2. Walk and Talk Jessica explained: "When I need to take calls or brainstorm ideas, I often head out for a walk with my dog while doing it – ticking off two things I have to do. I find it not only helps me stay active but also boosts my creativity and focus. "Turn phone calls or virtual meetings into walking meetings where possible. It’s a simple way to add movement while staying productive." (function (d, s, n) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; js = d.createElement(s); js.className = n; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); js.setAttribute('programmatic', 'true'); js.onload = function () { const playerApi233613 = ExCoPlayer.connect('abffe1c9-94c2-4cb8-9e4b-edf636d234a3'); playerApi233613.init({ "autoPlay": false, "mute": true, "showAds": true, "playbackMode": "play-in-view", "content": { "playFirst": [ { "title": "How much water should you drink daily?", "src": "" } ], "playlistId": "649af81e79e0a90012add765" }, "sticky": { "mode": "persistent", "closeButton": true, "pauseOnClose": true, "desktop": { "enabled": false, "position": "bottom-right" }, "mobile": { "enabled": false, "position": "upper-small" } }}); }; }(document, 'script', 'exco-player')); 3. Reclaim Your Lunch Break "As someone who’s juggled intense schedules, I’ve learned the importance of protecting my lunch break," Jessica said. "I use part of it for physical activity, whether it’s a quick workout, a jog, or a calming walk. "If you feel like your lunch break has disappeared into your workday, speak to your employer about how you can reclaim that time — it’s yours to use for your well-being. I suggest putting it in the diary as a meeting – this will ring-fence the time for you." 4. Advocate for Active Policies Jessica explained: "I have worked with a lot of different sponsors and their teams and I’ve seen the difference it makes when workplaces support physical activity. "If you’re struggling to stay active, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with your employer. Suggest ideas like walking meetings, group exercise activities, or even flexible working hours to make staying active more achievable. "Remember, these changes benefit everyone, from employees to the company itself. Recommended reading: How many steps should I walk a day? This amount could ‘reduce risk of death’ What is the best time of day to exercise? Dr Michael Mosley reveals all Is napping good for you? The ideal length for a kip, according to a GP 5. Set Active Reminders Jessica said: "I rely on technology to keep me on track. Fitness trackers or simple alarms can remind you to stand, stretch, or take a short walk every hour. "Even small movements like this can make a huge difference to your energy levels and focus throughout the day."US added a strong 227,000 jobs in November in bounce-back from October slowdown WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s job market rebounded in November, adding 227,000 workers in a solid recovery from the previous month, when the effects of strikes and hurricanes had sharply diminished employers’ payrolls. Last month’s hiring growth was up considerably from a meager gain of 36,000 jobs in October. The government also revised up its estimate of job growth in September and October by a combined 56,000. Friday’s report also showed that the unemployment rate ticked up from 4.1% in October to a still-low 4.2%. The November data provided the latest evidence that the U.S. job market remains durable even though it has lost significant momentum from the 2021-2023 hiring boom, when the economy was rebounding from the pandemic recession. Federal appeals court upholds law requiring sale or ban of TikTok in the US A federal appeals court panel on Friday unanimously upheld a law that could lead to a ban on TikTok in a few short months, handing a resounding defeat to the popular social media platform as it fights for its survival in the U.S. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the law - which requires TikTok to break ties with its China-based parent company ByteDance or be banned by mid-January — is constitutional, rebuffing TikTok’s challenge that the statute ran afoul of the First Amendment and unfairly targeted the platform. TikTok and ByteDance — another plaintiff in the lawsuit — are expected to appeal to the Supreme Court. Stock market today: Wall Street hits more records following a just-right jobs report NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. stocks rose to records after data suggested the job market remains solid enough to keep the economy going, but not so strong that it raises immediate worries about inflation. The S&P 500 climbed 0.2%, just enough top the all-time high set on Wednesday, as it closed a third straight winning week in what looks to be one of its best years since the 2000 dot-com bust. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped 0.3%, while the Nasdaq composite climbed 0.8% to set its own record. Treasury yields eased after the jobs report showed stronger hiring than expected but also an uptick in the unemployment rate. Killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO spotlights complex challenge companies face in protecting top brass NEW YORK (AP) — In an era when online anger and social tensions are increasingly directed at the businesses consumers count on, Meta last year spent $24.4 million to surround CEO Mark Zuckerberg with security. But the fatal shooting this week of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson while walking alone on a New York City sidewalk has put a spotlight on the widely varied approaches companies take to protect their leaders against threats. And experts say the task of evaluating threats against executives and taking action to protect them is getting more difficult. One of the primary worries are loners whose rantings online are fed by others who are like-minded. It’s up to corporate security analysts to decide what represents a real threat. Police believe the gunman who killed UnitedHealthcare's CEO quickly left NYC on a bus after shooting NEW YORK (AP) — Police officials say the gunman who killed the CEO of the largest U.S. health insurer likely left New York City on a bus soon after fleeing the scene on a bicycle and hopping in a cab. Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny says video of the gunman fleeing Wednesday’s shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson showed him riding through Central Park and later taking a taxi to a bus terminal, directly across from New Jersey. Police have video of the man entering the bus station but no video of him exiting. Investigators on Friday found a backpack in Central Park that was carried by the shooter, police said. USDA orders nationwide testing of milk for bird flu to halt the virus The U.S. government has ordered testing of the nation’s milk supply for bird flu to better monitor the spread of the virus in dairy cows. The Agriculture Department on Friday said raw or unpasteurized milk from dairy farms and processors nationwide must be tested on request starting Dec. 16. Testing will begin in six states — California, Colorado, Michigan, Mississippi, Oregon and Pennsylvania. The move is aimed at eliminating the virus, which has infected more than 700 dairy herds in 15 states. Words on ammo in CEO shooting echo common phrase on insurer tactics: Delay, deny, defend A message left at the scene of an insurance executive’s fatal shooting echoes a phrase commonly used to describe insurer tactics to avoid paying claims. The words “deny,” “defend” and “depose” were written on the ammunition used to kill UnitedHealthcare's CEO. That's according to two officials who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Thursday. The words are similar to the phrase “delay, deny, defend.” That's how attorneys describe insurers denying services and payment, and the title of a 2010 book critical of the industry. Police haven’t officially commented on the words. But Thompson’s shooting and the messages on the ammunition have sparked outrage on social media and elsewhere, reflecting frustration Americans have over the cost and complexity of getting care. Michigan Democrats move to protect reproductive health data before GOP takes control of House LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Democrats in Michigan are pressing to pass reproductive health care legislation before the party loses its majority with the new legislative session next year. A bill to protect digital reproductive health data including data logged on menstrual cycle tracking apps is a Democratic priority as lawmakers meet this month. Democratic women and supporters of the legislation say they are acting with new urgency before President-elect Donald Trump takes office because they don't believe his campaign promise to leave abortion to the states. The rush is also a reaction to Republicans taking control of the state House in January. Democrats kept control of the state Senate in the November election. Japan's Nippon Steel sets sights on a growing overseas market in its bid to acquire US Steel KASHIMA, Japan (AP) — The signs at Nippon Steel read: “The world through steel,” underlining why Japan’s top steelmaker is pursuing its $15 billion bid to acquire U.S. Steel. Japan's domestic market isn't growing, so Nippon Steel has its eyes on India, Southeast Asia and the United States, where populations are still growing. Nippon Steel gave reporters a tour of one of its plants in Japan on Friday. The bid for U.S. Steet is opposed by President-elect Donald Trump, President Joe Biden and American steelworkers. If the deal goes through, U.S. Steel will keep its name and its headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but become subsidiary of Nippon Steel. China's ban on key high-tech materials could have broad impact on industries, economy BANGKOK (AP) — China has banned exports of key materials used for a wide range of products, including smartphones, electric vehicles, radar systems and CT scanners, swiping back at Washington after it expanded export controls to include dozens of Chinese companies that make equipment used to produce computer chips. Both sides say the controls are justified by national security concerns. Analysts say they could have a much wider impact on manufacturing in many industries and supply chains, depending on the ability of each side to compensate for loss of access to strategically important materials, equipment and components. Here's why this could be a tipping point in trade conflict between the two biggest economies.