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Sowei 2025-01-13
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ESA and NASA satellites deliver first joint picture of Greenland Ice Sheet melting December 20, 2024 Northumbria University Scientists have delivered the first measurements of Greenland Ice Sheet thickness change using data from ESA and NASA ice satellite missions. With global warming causing the Greenland Ice Sheet to melt and flow more rapidly, raising sea levels and disturbing weather patterns across our planet, precise measurements of its changing shape are of critical importance for tracking and adapting to the effects of climate warming. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIN Email Academics from Northumbria University are part of an international research team which has used data from satellites to track changes in the thickness of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Global warming is causing the Ice Sheet to melt and flow more rapidly, raising sea levels and disturbing weather patterns across our planet. Because of this, precise measurements of its changing shape are of critical importance for tracking and adapting to the effects of climate warming. Scientists have now delivered the first measurements of Greenland Ice Sheet thickness change using CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 -- the ESA and NASA ice satellite missions. Both satellites carry altimeters as their primary sensor, but they make use of different technologies to collect their measurements. CryoSat-2 carries a radar system to determine the Earth's surface height, while ICESat-2 has a laser system for the same task. Although radar signals can pass through clouds, they also penetrate into the ice sheet surface and have to be adjusted for this effect. Laser signals, on the other hand, reflect from the actual surface, but they cannot operate when clouds are present. The missions are therefore highly complementary, and combining their measurements has been a holy grail for polar science. A new study from scientists at the UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM), based at Northumbria University, and published in Geophysical Research Letters shows that CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 measurements of Greenland Ice Sheet elevation change agree to within 3%. This confirms that the satellites can be combined to produce a more reliable estimate of ice loss than either could achieve alone. It also means that if one mission were to fail, the other could be relied upon to maintain our record of polar ice change. Between 2010 and 2023, the Greenland Ice Sheet thinned by 1.2 metres on average. However, thinning across the ice sheet's margin (the ablation zone) was over five times larger, amounting to 6.4 metres on average. The most extreme thinning occurred at the ice sheets outlet glaciers, many of which are speeding up. At Sermeq Kujalleq in west central Greenland (also known as Jakobshavn Isbræ), peak thinning was 67 metres, and at Zachariae Isstrøm in the northeast peak thinning was 75 metres. Altogether, the ice sheet shrank by 2,347 cubic kilometres across the 13-year survey period -- enough to fill Africa's Lake Victoria. The biggest changes occurred in 2012 and 2019 when summer temperatures were extremely hot and the ice sheet lost more than 400 cubic kilometres of its volume each year. Greenland's ice melting also affects global ocean circulation and disturbs weather patterns. These changes have far-reaching impacts on ecosystems and communities worldwide. The availability of accurate, up-to-date data on ice sheet changes will be critical in helping us to prepare for and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Lead author and CPOM researcher Nitin Ravinder said: "We are very excited to have discovered that CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 are in such close agreement. "Their complementary nature provides a strong motivation to combine the data sets to produce improved estimates of ice sheet volume and mass changes. "As ice sheet mass loss is a key contributor to global sea level rise, this is incredibly useful for the scientific community and policymakers." The study made use of four years of measurements from both missions, including those collected during the Cryo2ice campaign, a pioneering ESA-NASA partnership initiated in 2020. By adjusting CryoSat-2's orbit to synchronise with ICESat-2, ESA enabled the near-simultaneous collection of radar and laser data over the same regions. This alignment allows scientists to measure snow depth from space, offering unprecedented accuracy in tracking sea and land ice thickness. Tommaso Parrinello, CryoSat Mission Manager at ESA, expressed optimism about the campaign's impact: "CryoSat has provided an invaluable platform for understanding our planet's ice coverage over the past 14 years, but by aligning our data with ICESat-2, we've opened new avenues for precision and insight. "This collaboration represents an exciting step forward, not just in terms of technology but in how we can better serve scientists and policymakers who rely on our data to understand and mitigate climate impacts." Thorsten Markus, project scientist for the ICESat-2 mission at NASA, said: "It is great to see that the data from 'sister missions' are providing a consistent picture of the changes going on in Greenland. "Understanding the similarities and differences between radar and lidar ice sheet height measurements allows us to fully exploit the complementary nature of those satellite missions. "Studies like this are critical to put a comprehensive time series of the ICESat, CryoSat-2, ICESat-2, and, in the future, CRISTAL missions together." ESA's CryoSat-2 continues to be instrumental in our understanding of climate related changes in polar ice, working alongside NASA's ICESat-2 to provide robust, accurate data on ice sheet changes. Together, these missions represent a significant step forward in monitoring polar ice loss and preparing for its global consequences. CPOM is a partnership of six universities and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), based at Northumbria University, primarily funded by the National Environment Research Council (NERC) to provide national capability in observation and modelling of the processes that occur in the Polar regions of the Earth. CPOM uses satellite observations to monitor change in the Polar regions and numerical models to better predict how their ice and oceans might evolve in the future. By providing long-term capabilities to the scientific community and leading international assessments, CPOM helps global policymakers plan for the effects of climate change and sea level rise. Story Source: Materials provided by Northumbria University . Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Related Multimedia : Journal Reference : Cite This Page :

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Huge Australian crocodile made famous by cameo role in Crocodile Dundee diesJust over an hour after details of his first cabinet were announced, Bayrou went on live national television to explain the logic of recalling several names from previous administrations such as former prime ministers Elisabeth Borne, Manuel Valls. “I think we're in the most difficult situation we've been in since the second world war," Bayrou told journalists Apolline de Malherbe and Benjamin Duhamel on BMF TV . "It is a country that has no budget, no majority, in which a large number of French people think and believe that they are being left out, that no attention is being paid to them." Bayrou said that Borne, who was premier between May 2022 and January 2024, would be his de facto number two. “The country's number one challenge is education,” Bayrou added. During the 90-minute interview, Bayrou attempted to present himself as a centrist, unifying figure. "If we want to fight the immense problems France is facing at the moment, we cannot let disagreements rule," he said. The return of Valls came as a surprise. The 62-year-old served as François Hollande's premier between April 2014 and December 2016 and will take over as overseas territories minister after nearly a decade away from the white heat of power. His priority will be to implement the rescue package for the battered Indian Ocean archipelago of Mayotte where Cyclone Chido left at least 35 dead and more than 2,500 injured. "One of the most pressing issues for this country are overseas territories," Bayrou insisted. "They are very fragile, very destabilised societies, which feel that no one is looking after them." France's Prime Minister Bayrou names new cabinet The 73-year-old, who heads the liberal Democratic Movement (MoDem) party, denied he had succumbed to any influence from Marine Le Pen's National Rally on the composition of his government as claimed by the former minister Xavier Bertrand. But there were acknowledged hard line operators at the interior and justice ministries. Gérald Darmanin, who served as Interior Minister between July 2020 and September 2024 under three prime ministers, returned to the government as Justice Minister – the post that had seemed destined for Bertrand. Bruno Retailleau, a conservative who has vowed to crack down on illegal immigration, retains his post as Interior Minister. Bayrou also promised to not use the controversial 49.3 article of the French Constitution which allows the government to bypass MPs in parliament unless he was completely blocked. He told the interviewers that he did not want to slap new taxes on businesses but conceded the country's deficits had to be addressed. Named by President Emmanuel Macron on 13 December to replace Michel Barnier, Bayrou will head the fourth government of the year. Criticisms The leader of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, accused him of having formed the coalition of failure. Marine Tondelier, the Green Party chief, condemned him for placing himself in the hands of the far right. The leader of the France Unbowed (LFI) MPs, Mathilde Panot, said: "It is a government filled with people rejected at the ballot box who have contributed to sinking our country ... with the support of Marine Le Pen and the National Rally." Right-wing LR members of parliament have said they will not rule out withdrawing their support for Bayrou's government. "We will be very demanding," added LR's Laurent Wauquiez. The government will meet for the first time on 3 January and Bayrou is expected to give a policy speech to parliament on 14 January. LFI MPs say they will table a motion of no confidence against Bayrou and his government as soon as possible.Learn more about NORAD's efforts to track the big guy, play Santa themed games and see videos about the history of program online at www.noradsanta.org . How long has NORAD been tracking Santa? NORAD's predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD), began tracking Santa in 1955. NORAD replaced CONAD in 1958 and took over the mission of tracking Santa's flight around the world, and they have been tracking Santa every year since! Why does NORAD track Santa? Twenty four hours a day, 365 days a year, NORAD tracks airplanes, missiles, space launches and anything else that flies in or around the North American continent, while also completing some other very important missions. While the tradition of tracking Santa began purely by accident, NORAD continues to track Santa. We're the only organization that has the technology, the qualifications, and the people to do it. And, we love it! NORAD is honored to be Santa's official tracker! When will Santa arrive at my house? NORAD tracks Santa, but only Santa knows his route, which means we cannot predict where and when he will arrive at your house. We do, however, know from history that it appears he arrives only when children are asleep! In most countries, it seems Santa arrives between 9:00 p.m. and midnight on December 24th. If children are still awake when Santa arrives, he moves on to other houses. He returns later, but only when the children are asleep! What route does Santa travel? Santa usually starts at the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean and travels west. So, historically, Santa visits the South Pacific first, then New Zealand and Australia. After that, he shoots up to Japan, over to Asia, across to Africa, then onto Western Europe, Canada, the United States, Mexico and Central and South America. Keep in mind, Santa's route can be affected by weather, so it's really unpredictable. NORAD coordinates with Santa's Elf Launch Staff to confirm his launch time, but from that point on, Santa calls the shots. We just track him! Does Santa visit everyone? Indeed! Santa visits all homes where children believe in him. How can Santa travel the world within 24 hours? NORAD intelligence reports indicate that Santa does not experience time the way we do. His trip seems to take 24 hours to us, but to Santa it might last days, weeks or even months. Santa would not want to rush the important job of delivering presents to children and spreading joy to everyone, so the only logical conclusion is that Santa somehow functions within his own time-space continuum.

A huge crocodile that rose to fame with a cameo in hit film Crocodile Dundee has died. Burt died over the weekend, the Crocosaurus Cove reptile aquarium in Darwin, Australia, said. He was at least 90 years old. “Known for his independent nature, Burt was a confirmed bachelor – an attitude he made clear during his earlier years at a crocodile farm,” Crocosaurus Cove wrote in social media posts. The aquarium added: “He wasn’t just a crocodile, he was a force of nature and a reminder of the power and majesty of these incredible creatures. While his personality could be challenging, it was also what made him so memorable and beloved by those who worked with him and the thousands who visited him over the years.” A saltwater crocodile, Burt was estimated to be more than 16 feet long. He was captured in the 1980s in the Reynolds River and became one of the most well-known crocodiles in the world, according to Crocosaurus Cove. The 1986 film stars Paul Hogan as the rugged crocodile hunter Mick Dundee. In the movie, American Sue Charlton, played by actress Linda Kozlowski, goes to fill her canteen in a watering hole when she is attacked by a crocodile before being saved by Dundee. Burt is briefly shown lunging out of the water. But the creature shown in more detail as Dundee saves the day is apparently something else. The Internet Movie Database says the film made a mistake by depicting an American alligator, which has a blunter snout. The Australian aquarium where Burt had lived since 2008 features a Cage of Death which it says is the nation’s only crocodile dive. It said it planned to honour Burt’s legacy with a commemorative sign “celebrating his extraordinary life and the stories and interactions he shared throughout his time at the park”.None

Syracuse, Albany each hoping to get right at expense of the other

The founder and leader of the Coalition of Agricultural Graduates of Zimbabwe (CAGOZ) Kubvakacha Dickson walked away with the Perence Shiri Hurudza Award during the 4th edition of the glamorous Legacy Empowerment Awards held at the Zanu PF headquarters in Harare. The event which was graced by Ministers Charles Tavengwa, Marian Chombo and Deputy Minister Tongai Munangangwa ran under the theme, "Inspiring Generations, Recognising The Enduring Power Of Legacy". Minister Tavengwa was the guest of honour. In his speech, Honorable Tavengwa said that the Legacy Empowerment Awards are meant to pay tribute to the remarkable individuals who have devoted their lives to upholding and advancing the legacy of the liberation struggle adding that they are an inspiration for future generations encouraging them to continue the work of building a strong and vibrant nation. Receiving the award, the affable Buhera-born and bred Kubvacha felt humbled. "See, having been born and bred in the hinterlands of Buhera, coming to Harare has been by God's grace. The journey has been arduous but we have been solid in our defence of this science we call agriculture. Despite lacking funding we have soldiered on, of course, joined by the unbreakable code of love, togetherness and purpose. I get satisfaction and fulfilment in seeing that our voluntary acts and deeds have finally been recognised. We did land reform success stories which saw us doing fantastic sold-out field days. For instance, we did one in Mashonaland Central Province at Ngodzani Farm, Mutisi Farm in Mashonaland West and in Buhera we did a capacity building program at Bangure in Buhera Central Constituency. So this is a score for the President of Zimbabwe and a score for the agriculture graduates constituency.I therefore dedicate this award to the people of Buhera and all the agricultural professionals in Zimbabwe. Our agriculture can only do better if professionals in the sector are coordinated so that they work together for the greater good," said Kubvakacha. Legacy TV said they honour Kubvakacha's unwavering commitment to Zimbabwe's agricultural sector and that through his organisation they had assigned over 500 graduates to farms boosting harvests, produce quality and spearheading notable programs such as the Zimbabwe Rural Development, Technology Advancement and Knowledge Transfer Expo (Buhera North, Mutomba Village), Zimbabwe Urban and Peri Urban Farmers Development Expo(Churu Farm). The prestigious award honors individuals or organisations that have made exceptional contributions to Zimbabwe's agricultural sector, exemplifying the visionary leadership and commitment of the late Cde Perence Shiri.

AI-Powered Leap Financial Raises $3.5 Million Seed Round Led By Fuel Venture CapitalPublished 5:03 pm Sunday, November 24, 2024 By Data Skrive The Iowa State Cyclones (3-0) will meet the Jackson State Tigers (0-6) at 6:00 PM ET on Sunday, December 8, 2024. This contest is available via ESPN+. Looking for men’s college basketball tickets? Head to StubHub today and see your team live. Catch tons of live college basketball , plus original programming, with ESPN+ or the Disney Bundle. Watch college basketball, other live sports and more on Max. Use our link to sign up today. Watch men’s college basketball, other live sports and more on Fubo. What is Fubo? Fubo is a streaming service that gives you access to your favorite live sports and shows on demand. Use our link to sign up for a free trial.None

Huge Australian crocodile made famous by cameo role in Crocodile Dundee dies

Source: Intermodal “In response, China’s newbuilding capacity has been scaled up through the reopening of dormant shipyards and the expansion of existing facilities. In addition to Jiangsu Rongsheng, one of the largest private Chinese yards, founded in 2006, other shipyards such as Hengli Heavy Industry, Yangzhou Guoyu Shipbuilding, and Dalian Shipbuilding Offshore have restarted operations. Meanwhile, New Times Shipbuilding, Wuhu Shipyard, and Nantong Xiangyu Shipbuilding among others have expanded their production potential. This growth of shipbuilding capacity is expected to absorb a part of the excess demand, reducing vessel delivery times”, Intermodal’s Research Analyst, Mr. Nikos Tagoulis said. According to Mr. Tagoulis, “to gain more insight on market fundamentals, it’s useful to have a look at the evolution of shipbuilding orders of the three major industry players, China, Japan and South Korea, and their portions to the global orderbook of three major shipbuilding players in terms of m dwt. since China’s entry to WTO in 2000. Through government support and public investments to its national shipbuilding ecosystem, China emerged as a market leader, commanding currently nearly 65% of global shipbuilding orders, an impressive rise considering the less than 10% share in 2000. Meanwhile, the combined orderbook share of Japan and South Korea has declined from 78% to 31% over the same period. As of November 2024, the Chinese shipbuilding orderbook for counts 3,256 vessels of 224m dwt total carrying capacity, marking a 37% increase from 2023 and a 72% rise from 2022, with the global orderbook increasing by 21% since 2023”. Source: Intermodal “In the realm of new contracts, Chinese shipyards remain dominant, securing 1,338 vessels totaling 103.9 million dwt, which represents 70% of all new contracts. Notably, Chinese yards have captured 89% of containership orders, 81% of bulk carrier orders, and 74% of tanker contracts. The rise of China as a dominant force in global shipbuilding can be attributed to several factors, including substantial government support, investments in new technologies, low labour cost and large-scale production capabilities. Additionally, China has successfully leveraged partnerships with international firms, facilitating the transfer of valuable expertise, enabling to advance in the construction of more sophisticated vessels, such as chemical tankers or gas carriers. Domestic demand for both new ship construction and repair services is also a key driver, with the Chinese fleet accounting for approximately 13% of global tonnage”, Tagoulis added. Intermodal’s analyst concluded that “the above constitute the main advantages of the Chinese shipbuilding sector, together with a well-integrated supply chain that ensures timely delivery of the materials required for vessel construction and environmentally sustainable practices. In the current global shipbuilding market, the robust demand for new vessels, evidenced by a steadily growing order book in the post-COVID era and rising new building prices, are expected to drive further expansion of the Chinese shipbuilding sector and maintain its leading position”. Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News WorldwideWASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department said Monday it is not actively reviewing the “foreign terrorist organization” designation of the main Syrian this weekend. But, it said such designations are constantly under review, and that even while it's in place, the label does not bar U.S. officials from speaking with the group. “There is no specific review related to what happened” over the weekend, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters. “That said, we are always reviewing. Based on their actions, there could be a change in our sanctions posture, but we have nothing today.” He said a review could be initiated if , known as HTS, takes steps to reverse the reasons for its designation. That would be , he said. The designation imposes numerous sanctions against those targeted, including a ban on the provision of “material support” to such groups, although Miller said that would not necessarily prevent discussions between its members and U.S. officials. HTS will be an “important component” in and the U.S. needs to “engage with them, appropriately, and with U.S. interests in mind,” said a senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. Miller cited the case of the Trump administration negotiating with the Taliban over the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, but later conceded that the Taliban has never been designated in the same way. Instead, the Taliban was listed as a “specially designated terrorist organization,” a label that comes with less stringent sanctions. Nevertheless, Miller said U.S. officials “do have the ability, when it is in our interest, legally to communicate with a designated terrorist organization.” Meanwhile, President Joe Biden and Jordan’s King Abdullah II spoke by phone about the rapidly evolving situation in Syria and joint efforts to the situation, according to the White House. In their call, Biden and the Jordanian monarch also discussed the dozens of U.S. airstrikes conducted on Sunday targeting IS leaders and fighters in the Syrian desert as well as ongoing efforts to reach a ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza. The call came as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs John Bass and Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf were in the region holding consultations with key partners. They are in Amman, Jordan, on Monday and were in Doha, Qatar, over the weekend, the State Department said. More than a million into neighboring Jordan since the civil war ignited in 2011, and officials in Amman are hoping to avoid another refugee crisis following the fall of Assad’s government. “The President emphasized the support of the United States for the stability of Jordan and Jordan’s central role in maintaining stability and de-escalating tensions throughout the Middle East region,” the White House said in a statement. Separately, the State Department said the U.S. had arranged with local groups to secure the shuttered U.S. Embassy compound in Damascus, which suspended operations in 2012 and had been until recently under the protection of the Czech Embassy. The Czechs, however, closed their own embassy in Damascus as the situation in the capital grew more uncertain. It would not say with what groups the U.S. made the arrangements.

Phillies have no plans to start pitching prospect Andrew Painter in spring training following injurySAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's former President Jair Bolsonaro has been a target for investigations since his early days in office, and the swarm of cases since his failed reelection bid in 2022 has left him in ever-deeper legal jeopardy. In the latest indictment Thursday, he was accused of attempting a coup to keep himself in the presidency. In another case, the electoral court ruled the far-right leader ineligible to run for office until 2030. There are dozens of other probes that could produce criminal charges at low-level courts, where he could appeal any eventual conviction. But the country's Supreme Court will have the final say regarding more than five in-depth investigations, including into the alleged coup attempt, which could land the former president behind bars or under house arrest. Bolsonaro has denied wrongdoing in all of the cases, and his allies have alleged they are political persecution, while recognizing the severity of the legal risks on multiple fronts. Here's a look at the biggest threats and where they stand: Federal police on Thursday indicted Bolsonaro and 36 others for allegedly attempting a coup to keep him in office after his defeat in the 2022 elections. The indictment is sealed, but among other things authorities had been investigating whether he incited the Jan. 8, 2022 riot in which his followers ransacked the Supreme Court and presidential palace in the capital of Brasilia. STATUS: Police sent their findings to Brazil’s Supreme Court, which must decide whether to refer them to Prosecutor-General Paulo Gonet. He will either formally charge Bolsonaro and put him on trial, or toss the investigation. Brazil’s highest electoral court in June ruled that Bolsonaro used government communication channels in a meeting with diplomats to promote his reelection bid and sow distrust about the vote. The case focused on a meeting the prior year, during which Bolsonaro used government staffers, the state television channel and the presidential palace in Brasilia to tell foreign ambassadors that the country’s electronic voting system was rigged. The ruling rendered him ineligible for office until 2030, although he has insisted that he will run in the 2026 race. The court also found that Bolsonaro abused his power during Brazil’s Independence Day festivities, a month before the election. The ruling didn’t add years to Bolsonaro’s ineligibility, but made any appeal less likely to succeed. A third case is also pending at the court. STATUS: Bolsonaro’s appeal of the initial ruling was denied. Bolsonaro has been indicted for directing an official to tamper with a public health database to make it appear as though he and his 12-year-old daughter had received the COVID-19 vaccine in order to bypass U.S. entry requirements. During the pandemic, he railed against the vaccine , characterized the choice to receive a shot as a matter of personal freedom and has repeatedly said he never did so. The Federal Police accused Bolsonaro of criminal association and inserting false data into public records, which carry maximum penalties of 4 and 12 years in prison, respectively. It was his first indictment since leaving office. STATUS: Brazil's Supreme Court sent the indictment to the prosecutor-general, who is weighing whether to use it to press charges. Local media reported that he was seeking to consult American authorities about whether Bolsonaro used the forged document to enter the country, and that having done so could result in U.S. legal action. Federal Police have probed whether Bolsonaro directed officials to smuggle luxury jewelry worth millions into Brazil from Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, then acted to prevent them from being incorporated into the presidential collection and instead retain ownership for himself. Investigators summoned Bolsonaro for questioning in April and August of 2023. He has returned the jewelry in question. STATUS: The Federal Police indicted Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, according to a source with knowledge of the accusations. A second source confirmed the indictment, although not for which specific crimes. Both spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly. Brazil’s Federal Police is investigating Bolsonaro for inciting crimes against public health during the COVID-19 pandemic, which include encouraging people not to wear masks and causing alarm about non-existent danger of vaccines accelerating development of AIDS . A Senate inquiry commission also spent months investigating his pandemic-era actions and decisions, and recommended nine criminal charges. Brazil’s former prosecutor-general Augusto Aras, widely seen as a Bolsonaro ally, decided not to file any charges based on the lawmakers' findings. They have urged his Aras' successor to reopen the case. STATUS: The investigation is ongoing. Brazil's Supreme Court in 2020 ordered an investigation into a network allegedly spreading defamatory fake news and threats against Supreme Court justices . The probe has yielded the imprisonment of lawmakers from the former president's circle and raids of his supporters' homes. In 2021, Bolsonaro was included as a target. As an offshoot of that probe, the Federal Police is also investigating whether a group operating inside Bolsonaro’s presidential palace produced social media content aimed at undermining the rule of law. The group, allegedly comprised of aides and Bolsonaro’s politician son, has been widely referred to as a digital militia and “the hate cabinet.” STATUS: Both investigations are ongoing. Biller reported from Rio de Janeiro'Best Thrillers Book Awards' Names 'All Mortal Greatness' Finalist in the 'Crime Thriller Genre'

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