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Sowei 2025-01-13
Blakley's 28 lead Le Moyne over SUNY Delhi 106-51It has been 21 years since the Concorde supersonic passenger transport last flew in November 2003. Although the Concorde is not the direct focus of this article, its operation as a supersonic transport is instructive in an experimental research project undertaken by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), with industry partner, Lockheed-Martin. The aircraft's maiden flight is now penciled in for early 2025. NASA's project is called the Quiet SuperSonic Technology Flight Demonstrator. NASA contracted with Lockheed-Martin's Skunk Works in Palmdale, CA., to design and make the X-59 QueSST demonstration aircraft. In theory, its odd shape is aerodynamically designed to reduce the sonic boom to a soft thump. As for the role of NASA's two F-15s in X-59 testing, they are the project's chase planes and instrumented data collection platforms. The aircraft will test new technologies to reduce the sonic boom to a dull thud and gather data to support eventual supersonic flights over land. Introduction One of the many challenges British Airways and Air France dealt with in operating the Concorde in supersonic flight was the sonic boom resulting from breaking the sound barrier. When the Concorde commenced passenger service in 1976, noise pollution was becoming a hot topic. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had already published regulations stipulating noise abatement requirements at several congested airports with increasing urban density in the surrounding area. The FAA ultimately restricted Supersonic flight in the National Airspace System (NAS) in 1973; certain controlled military airspaces were exempt. To many members of the public, the supersonic Concorde represented the ultimate in noise pollution. There was no surprise when the FAA declined to issue a waiver lifting the supersonic restriction for the Concorde's flight over land. The result was: British Airways would fly from London-Heathrow (LHR) and Air France's hub was Charles de Gaulle Airport. Both airlines were permitted landing rights at Washington-Dulles Airport and John F. Kennedy Airport. Many years later, the FAA permitted both airlines to fly sub-sonic to Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport (DFW). Even though the Concorde still had to fly subsonic over land, the benefit of a non-stop flight to/from a central airport like DFW, removed the lost time making a connecting flight at IAD or JFK. The Concorde's supersonic passenger service has been gone for more than two decades, but the public still has a desire to seek the benefits of supersonic travel in the United States. The Concorde took three hours to fly from New York City to London, instead of the usual seven hours. Flying a non-stop conventional flight from Boston-Logan (BOS) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is about six hours. Flying the same route at Mach 2 (1,325 mph) and 60,000 ft, the flight time is two hours and 45 minutes. Thousands of travelers in the U.S. would readily spend the extra money to fly coast-to-coast at 1,325 mph. NASA flew the Tupolev Tu-144's final flights as a testbed to develop the next generation of supersonic passenger aircraft. The Supersonic "Problem" As much as there is an existing demand for supersonic passenger service, regardless of the cost, there are just as many people who think it will never happen due to numerous perceived non-starters. Interestingly, the majority of negative comments come from folks who are unlikely to be aeronautical engineers. Here is a sample comment from a naysayer who was the first one to pop up in my browser. On Reddit, a user's handle, " Delphius 1 ," said: "Realistically, even with reduced noise supersonic technology, likely not, not for decades to reach the same volume to premium payout as subsonic transportation. Flights over general populations are the real problem here, until supersonic travel over them is accepted, it won't happen." At the time the Concorde discontinued its service 21 years ago, and up to the present day, Delphius 1's comments are not inaccurate. The idea of transcontinental supersonic flight could easily remain in stasis for another 20 years without any research and development (R&D) into mitigating sonic boom noise pollution. But this would be ignoring the fact that technological advances have solved many problems that were more vexing than mitigating supersonic noise pollution. The supersonic aircraft was not as beloved as many people think. NASA's X-59 QueSST Flight Demonstrator The FAA poses numerous restrictions on the use of the National Airspace System (NAS). Two longstanding NAS restrictions are supersonic flight and drone operations. In the past 10 years, there have been significant modifications to FAA regulations to accommodate drone operations. This did not happen without major strides in drone technology. Similarly, NASA, the FAA, and air carriers recognize that advancements in aviation technology have been moving along steadily and that flying supersonic in the NAS is likely achievable with some focused R&D. Industry technologists understand that the near-term solution is reducing the supersonic noise signature of aircraft destined to have a supersonic flight envelope. Over 50 charter trips were offered via Concorde, connecting passengers to unique destinations worldwide. If NASA and its partners want to solve the supersonic-over-land conundrum, a limited amount of R&D could be done by simulation and a wind tunnel. Since the Concorde is no longer able to provide high-speed and high-altitude research flights, NASA recognized they needed a testbed aircraft capable of sustained Mach 2 flight at 60,000 ft. The Lockheed-Martin X-59 is the intended demonstrator aircraft for studying the mitigation of sonic boom noise pollution. The X-59 will undergo its own flight testing before any sonic boom research. The first flight is scheduled for mid-2025. Next steps for the X-59 Project The X-59 QueSST is the R&D test aircraft; but how would the project engineers study the sonic boom from the ground, 11 miles (60,000 ft) away? The only answer is to install the necessary test equipment in another Mach 2 aircraft. They needed a supersonic chase plane. When casting about for a supersonic chase plane capable of flying higher than 60,000 ft, it quickly came down to only one aircraft, a two-seat Boeing F-15D Eagle. The F-15's service ceiling is 65,000 ft., but not in sustained flight at Mach 2. With a maximum fuel load and no external stores, the F-15 can fly 15 minutes at 60,000 ft and Mach 2 before the pilot has to break off for refueling. With proper flight test planning, NASA will conduct sonic boom testing in 15-minute sessions. NASA had one more problem to address: a deficient life support system aboard the F-15 chase planes. NASA's concern was the hypoxia risk for F-15 aircrew members. The Air Force's Handbook of Aerospace and Operational Physiology, 2nd Edition, defines hypoxia as: A state of oxygen deficiency in the blood, cells, or tissues sufficient to cause an impairment of function. More simply, hypoxia means "reduced oxygen" or "not enough oxygen." Since the brain is particularly vulnerable to oxygen deprivation, a reduced level of mental function while flying can result in an airborne mishap. The problem with hypoxia is that it usually occurs gradually. Pilots are trained to recognize the onset of hypoxia, including, headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, and tunnel vision. % of Oxygen Blood Saturation Effects of Hypoxia (low blood oxygenation) 93% or higher No ill effects 93% to 80% Low light (Night Visual Sensitivity) 80% to 72% Impaired recent memory and difficulty with simple math 72% to 59% Altered judgment & impaired physical coordination 59% to 46% Unconsciousness in Hours 46% to 21% Unconsciousness in Minutes 21% to Zero Unconsciousness in Seconds F-15s typically fly with their cockpit pressurized to 8,000 ft MSL. Above 8,000 ft., it is standard procedure for the crew to wear their oxygen masks to mitigate the possibility of becoming unconscious due to rapid depressurization. If the F-15 depressurizes below 40,000 ft., the standard life support system will aid the aircrew's respiration by providing "Positive Pressure Breathing" (PPB). When depressurization occurs above 40,000 ft, the PPB function begins to struggle to push enough oxygen to avoid hypoxia. Brian Griffin, deputy operations leader for NASA's Low Boom Flight Demonstrator Project said: "Pretend you're breathing through an inflated balloon. If you don't control it [Positive Pressure Breathing], the air in the balloon will rush back into your lungs. And to exhale you have push harder than the balloon is pushing back at you." Griffin's colleague, Ben Cacanindin, the X-59 aircraft operations engineer, described the application of PPB at 60,000 ft as " like sucking on a leaf blower! " To cope with a possible F-15 cockpit depressurization while flying chase at 60,000 ft. NASA decided to upgrade the life support system to provide an even higher PPB oxygen flow. Rather than investing the time and expense to design a new life support system, the project team decided to adapt the system currently aboard the F-22 fighter jet. The F-22 had its own pilot hypoxia problem, too, but it was resolved in 2012. All F-22s were subsequently retrofitted. Adapting the more robust life support system to the F-15 took quite a bit of work to figure out how to install the added system components. Subsequent flight testing of the F-15 chase plane demonstrated that it is prepared for its role in low boom testing whenever the X-59 QueSST is ready. Provided the X-59's flight testing shows the plane is safe to fly, sonic boom testing will commence in 2026.FARMVILLE, Va. (AP) — Keishon Porter had 20 points in North Carolina Central's 77-70 win against Longwood on Saturday. Porter also contributed three steals for the Eagles (5-8). Po'Boigh King scored 16 points while shooting 6 for 10, including 3 for 6 from beyond the arc. Kelechi Okworogwo finished 4 of 4 from the floor for eight points. Colby Garland led the Lancers (9-3) with 15 points, six assists and four steals. Michael Christmas added 14 points and six rebounds. Elijah Tucker scored 13. The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar .7xm 55

Some quotations from . We have a tendency to exalt ourselves and to dwell on the weaknesses and mistakes of others. I have come to realize that in every person there is something fine and pure and noble, along with a desire for self-fulfillment. Political and religious leaders must attempt to provide a society within which these human attributes can be nurtured and enhanced. — from 1975 book “Why Not the Best?” ___ Our government can express the highest common ideals of human beings — if we demand of government true standards of excellence. At this Bicentennial time of introspection and concern, we must demand such standards. — “Why Not the Best?” ___ I am a Southerner and an American, I am a farmer, an engineer, a father and husband, a Christian, a politician and former governor, a planner, a businessman, a nuclear physicist, a naval officer, a canoeist, and among other things a lover of Bob Dylan’s songs and Dylan Thomas’s poetry. — “Why Not the Best?” ___ Christ said, “I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery.” I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognizes I will do — and I have done it — and God forgives me for it. But that doesn’t mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust but who leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock. — Interview, November 1976 Playboy. ___ This inauguration ceremony marks a new beginning, a new dedication within our Government, and a new spirit among us all. A President may sense and proclaim that new spirit, but only a people can provide it. — Inaugural address, January 1977. ___ It’s clear that the true problems of our nation are much deeper — deeper than gasoline lines or energy shortages, deeper even than inflation and recession. ... All the legislation in the world can’t fix what’s wrong with America. ... It is a crisis of confidence. — So-called “malaise” speech, July 1979. ___ But we know that democracy is always an unfinished creation. Each generation must renew its foundations. Each generation must rediscover the meaning of this hallowed vision in the light of its own modern challenges. For this generation, ours, life is nuclear survival; liberty is human rights; the pursuit of happiness is a planet whose resources are devoted to the physical and spiritual nourishment of its inhabitants. — Farewell Address, January 1981. ___ We appreciate the past. We are grateful for the present and we’re looking forward to the future with great anticipation and commitment. — October 1986, at the dedication of the Carter Presidential Library and Museum. ___ War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn to live together in peace by killing each other’s children. — December 2002, Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. ___ Fundamentalists have become increasingly influential in both religion and government, and have managed to change the nuances and subtleties of historic debate into black-and-white rigidities and the personal derogation of those who dare to disagree. ... The influence of these various trends poses a threat to many of our nation’s historic customs and moral commitments, both in government and in houses of worship. — From 2005 book “Our Endangered Values.” ___ I think that this breakthrough by Barack Obama has been remarkable. When he made his speech (on race) a few months ago in Philadelphia, I wept. I sat in front of the television and cried, because I saw that as the most enlightening and transforming analysis of racism and a potential end of it that I ever saw in my life. — August 2008, commenting on then-Sen. Barack Obama’s candidacy. ___ I think it’s based on racism. There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president. ... No matter who he is or how much we disagree with his policies, the president should be treated with respect. — September 2009, reacting to Rep. Joe Wilson’s shout of “You lie!” during a speech to Congress by President Barack Obama. ___ I’m still determined to outlive the last guinea worm. — 2010, on The Carter Center’s work to eradicate guinea worm disease. ___ You know how much I raised to run against Gerald Ford? Zero. You know how much I raised to run against Ronald Reagan? Zero. You know how much will be raised this year by all presidential, Senate and House campaigns? $6 billion. That’s 6,000 millions. — September 2012, reacting to the 2010 “Citizens United” U.S. Supreme Court decision permitting unlimited third-party political spending. ___ I have become convinced that the most serious and unaddressed worldwide challenge is the deprivation and abuse of women and girls, largely caused by a false interpretation of carefully selected religious texts and a growing tolerance of violence and warfare, unfortunately following the example set during my lifetime by the United States. — From 2014 book “A Call to Action.” ___ I don’t think there’s any doubt now that the NSA or other agencies monitor or record almost every telephone call made in the United States, including cellphones, and I presume email as well. We’ve gone a long way down the road of violating Americans’ basic civil rights, as far as privacy is concerned. — March 2014, commenting on U.S. intelligence monitoring after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks ___ We accept self-congratulations about the wonderful 50th anniversary – which is wonderful – but we feel like Lyndon Johnson did it and we don’t have to do anything anymore. — April 2014, commenting on racial inequality during a celebration of the Civil Rights Act’s 40th anniversary. ___ I had a very challenging question at Emory (University) the other night: “How would you describe the United States of America today in one word?” And I didn’t know what to say for a few moments, but I finally said, “Searching.” I think the country in which we live is still searching for what it ought to be, and what it can be, and I’m not sure we’re making much progress right at this moment. — October 2014 during a celebration of his 90th birthday. ___ The life we have now is the best of all. We have an expanding and harmonious family, a rich life in our church and the Plains community, and a diversity of projects at The Carter Center that is adventurous and exciting. Rosalynn and I have visited more than 145 countries, and both of us are as active as we have ever been. We are blessed with good health and look to the future with eagerness and confidence, but are prepared for inevitable adversity when it comes. — From 2015 book, “A Full Life.” The Associated PressPresident Bola Ahmed Tinubu has urged leaders from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to ensure the maturity of democracy in the region. Tinubu told West African leaders to draw inspiration from Ghana’s recent peaceful elections, which are a model of democratic maturity and commitment to national unity. At the opening of the 66th Ordinary Session of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government on Sunday in Abuja, President Tinubu, in a statement by his spokesman, Bayo Onanuga, lauded President Nana Akufo-Addo and the people of Ghana for the resounding success of their recent presidential and parliamentary elections, which set a high standard for the region. “I urge all of us in the region to learn from this good democratic practice and prioritise our country’s national unity to ensure political stability of the region so that this manner of peaceful transition becomes the culture of democracy not only in West Africa but also in the entire Africa continent,” he stated. “Despite the challenges of interrupted democratic governance in some West African countries, the region has continued to record democratic gains. Just a week ago, on December 7 2024, Presidential and Parliamentary elections took place in Ghana, the second-largest democracy in our region. “One of the leading candidates who happens to be the incumbent vice president, His Excellency Mahamudu Bawumia, together with the leadership of the ruling party, New Patriotic Party (NPP), conceded defeat and accepted the outcome of the presidential election by congratulating the president-elect, His Excellency, John Dramani Mahama of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for his victory, even before the official announcement of the election results. “This gesture, as it happened in Nigeria in 2015, demonstrates political maturity and respect for the will of the people of Ghana.” President Tinubu praised President Akufo-Addo for his exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to ECOWAS during his two terms of office, describing him as a formidable Pan-Africanist. President Tinubu also congratulated the government and people of Senegal on their successful parliamentary elections. He praised Ghana’s Foreign Minister Shirley Ayokor Botchwey for painstakingly leading the ECOWAS Ministerial Committee of the Reform and wished her a successful tenure as the Secretary General of the Commonwealth. In his second term as ECOWAS chair, President Tinubu highlighted achievements from his first term, including strides in regional integration, economic growth, conflict resolution, and counterterrorism efforts. He said the ECOWAS Trade Liberalisation Scheme (ETLS) and Common External Tariff (CET) had strengthened trade and economic cooperation. Similarly, regional infrastructure projects such as the West African Gas Pipeline, the West Africa Power Pool, and modernising key border posts with advanced equipment and joint border operations utilising state-of-the-art technology have significantly enhanced connectivity and promoted greater regional integration. “Furthermore, our efforts in stabilising our region through peacekeeping missions currently in the Gambia and Guinea Bissau, as well as previous operations in Liberia and Sierra Leone, have demonstrated our capacity to act decisively in the face of adversity. President Tinubu said the ECOWAS Regional Action Plan on the Fight Against Terrorism had provided a comprehensive framework to combat violent extremism and enhance regional security. President Tinubu urged member states, as ECOWAS nears its 50th anniversary in 2025, to recommit to the bloc’s founding ideals of economic integration, peace, and prosperity. “As a regional community, we must maintain our fundamental responsibility: to protect our citizens and create an enabling environment where they can prosper. As leaders, we know that security is not a luxury but a necessity. Equally, enhancing the living standards of our people is not an aspiration but an obligation,” he said. The presidents of Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, and Senegal attended in person alongside the vice president of Sierra Leone, the finance minister of the Benin Republic, the foreign affairs minister of Togo, and the Ambassador of Cape Verde to Nigeria. The president of the ECOWAS Commission, Dr Omar Touray, commended Nigeria for paying 100 per cent of its community levy for 2023 and substantial remittances for 2024, saying it reflected Nigeria’s leadership and commitment under President Tinubu. “For the first time in 19 years, Nigeria has paid 100 per cent of its community levy from 2023. I’m therefore pleased to announce that on Friday, December 13, 2024, Nigeria spent N85 billion and $54 million, representing 100 per cent of the 2023 levy and the 2024 levy up to July 2024. “We all agree that this payment underscores the leadership and commitment of President Tinubu, the government and the people of Nigeria to our community. At a more personal level, it represents confidence in the management I have been privileged to lead since 2022.” He encouraged other member states to meet their financial commitments dutifully. Meanwhile, ECOWAS has announced that Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger will officially withdraw from the regional bloc on January 29, 2025. The announcement was made during the 66th Ordinary Session of ECOWAS at the presidential Villa in Abuja, where president of the ECOWAS Commission, Omar Touray, delivered a communique detailing the withdrawal timeline and subsequent plans for managing the separation. The decision marks a significant shift in West Africa’s geopolitical landscape. The three countries decided to sever ties with the regional bloc following recent political tensions and military-led transitions within their borders. According to the communique, the three countries will cease to be ECOWAS members on January 29, 2025, as per Article 91 of the bloc’s revised treaty. A six-month transitional period, ending on July 29, 2025, has been established to facilitate diplomatic efforts to reintegrate the countries into the organisation. During this period, ECOWAS will continue mediation efforts led by Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Faye and Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé, whose mandates have been extended until the end of the transition. Despite the impending withdrawal, ECOWAS has expressed its openness to the return of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger. “The Authority decides to keep ECOWAS doors open to the three countries during the transition period,” the communique stated. ECOWAS has, however, directed its Commission’s president to initiate formal withdrawal procedures after the January 2025 deadline and develop a contingency plan to manage the separation. The plan will address political and economic relations between ECOWAS and the three nations. The withdrawal follows months of strained relations between ECOWAS and the three Sahelian countries, which have been under military-led governments since recent coups. ECOWAS imposed sanctions on these nations, citing their deviation from democratic norms, which further isolated them from the regional bloc. Efforts by ECOWAS leaders, including its chairman, President Tinubu, had sought to bridge the divide, but the latest decision signals a shift towards formalising the separation. ECOWAS has directed its Council of Ministers to convene an extraordinary session in mid-2025 to address the implications of the withdrawal. This session will focus on adopting separation modalities and defining the framework for future interactions with the departing nations. Meanwhile, the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS has given Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger six months, from January 29 to July 29, 2025, to reconsider their decision to exit the regional bloc. According to a statement by the special adviser on information and strategy to President Bola Tinubu, Bayo Onanuga, ECOWAS Commission president, Dr Omar Touray, announced the six-month grace on Sunday in Abuja after the 66th Ordinary Session of the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government. “The Authority takes note of the notification by the Republic of Burkina Faso, Republic of Mali and Republic of Niger of their decision to withdraw from ECOWAS. “The Authority acknowledges that by the provisions of Article 91 of the revised ECOWAS Treaty, the three countries will officially cease to be members of ECOWAS from January 29, 2025. The Authority decides to set the period from January 29, 2025 to July 29, 2025, as a transitional period and to keep ECOWAS doors open to the three countries during the transition period. “In this regard, the Authority extends the mandate of the President of Togo and the President of Senegal to continue their mediation role up to the end of the transition period to bring the three member countries back to ECOWAS,” Touray read from the communiqué. ECOWAS leaders commended the exemplary diplomatic engagement of President Bassirou Diomaye Faye of Senegal and President Faure Gnassingbé of Togo, as well as the diplomatic efforts of the Chairman of the Authority of ECOWAS, President Bola Tinubu, and other individual member states toward the three countries. In his closing remarks, President Tinubu called on all member states to redouble their efforts to ensure that the decisions reached at the session translate into tangible benefits for ECOWAS citizens. He congratulated the outgoing chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, as he attended his valedictory session as AUC chair. He further praised Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo, whom he fondly called “Mr. Democrat,” saying ECOWAS will continue to draw from his fountain of wisdom.Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of material from 11 contributing columnists , along with other commentary online and in print each day. To contribute, click here . ••• In a gravel clearing cut into a pine forest outside Babbitt, a geologist scrambles up a ladder to view a gauge on a pipe. His readings portend the opening of a new but poorly understood gas industry on the Iron Range. In Nashwauk, crews ready the state’s first new mine in a generation, a facility that would become the most modern iron ore producer in the region. But the company doing it faces headwinds from eight years of corporate skullduggery and bankruptcy chaos. And in Mountain Iron, a manufacturer of solar-energy components recently expanded its workforce to 350 people, more than some mines. And yet, political change could halt the company’s progress. These three stories could represent a brighter future for northeastern Minnesota; or each might evaporate for myriad reasons. But all three are further developed than controversial nonferrous mining proposals that have dominated statewide headlines and political debate for two decades. Taken together, they might create more jobs and tax revenue annually than even the most optimistic estimates for copper-nickel mining in Minnesota. Let’s set aside, for now, the merits of copper-nickel mining. For or against, we still have a problem. The fixation on that one issue consumes so much political oxygen that other ideas die on the vine. Single-issue thinking prevents the expansion of local expertise into new technologies and markets. Young people are never inspired to pursue useful trends. Neglect quietly kills opportunities before most people even know they exist. This is bad for communities. Bad for local tax revenue. Heck, it’s even bad for the mining industry, which will languish without diverse technology, talent and markets. The Iron Range is just one part of greater Minnesota, and no two parts are exactly alike. But political trends clearly show greater Minnesota unifying around a set of shared frustrations with the status quo, many of them economic. For as long as I can remember, the Iron Range has cried for “jobs, jobs, jobs,” as famously phrased by the region’s most successful politician, the late DFL Gov. Rudy Perpich. But even Perpich acknowledged that something changed forever after the iron mining industry contracted in the 1980s. He would be nicknamed “Governor Goofy” for his efforts to try new things to fill the economic void. Later, his words became twisted into hope that new employment might be wrested by force to replace mining jobs lost forever to automation and corporate consolidation. This mantra dominates the thinking in many rural places, including those affected by the decline of agriculture and manufacturing jobs. Thus, we risk yelling “jobs, jobs, jobs” into a wishing well. Politicians may harness rural economic grievances to get elected, but that doesn’t fix the problem. The scope of this failure cannot be measured in presidential administrations, but rather in decades that now balloon into generations. The mines don’t employ as many people today because the trucks and production plants grew bigger and more advanced, not because of environmental regulation. The collapse of the family farm at the hands of corporate agriculture caused waning fortunes in farm country. These gains in efficiency could have been used to improve lives in the communities responsible for the success of these industries. But they weren’t. We can’t change the economic story in rural places by begging for more of the same. And frankly, we in rural Minnesota must lead this change. So, let’s look at the projects I mentioned earlier. I’ll show you what I mean. This month, Pulsar Helium will drill its second test well after its first test generated commercially viable stores of helium and carbon dioxide. Company officials say there could be enough helium in the region to inspire competition. That’s interesting, but not inherently a job-creation boon. When I visited the site this fall, it was clear that only a handful of workers are needed to operate a gas rig. The value comes in how that valuable gas might be used in the broader economy. Helium is a crucial coolant for medical equipment, and supports certain types of welding and semiconductor production. Because helium gradually escapes when stored in tanks, using it close to its source could build cost-effective partnerships with other industries. For instance, Pulsar signed an agreement last month with Chart Industries of New Prague, Minn., to provide carbon capture technology and recommendations to process and store the lighter-than-air helium and capture carbon dioxide. This is just one relationship with another Minnesota company that could be expanded in the future. The state leads in medical technology and manufacturing, so helium could become a unique local advantage. On the iron ore front, Mesabi Metallics in Nashwauk has already invested $2 billion in its mine and production facility. This is a staggering number for a company that still draws sharp criticism for missed deadlines and two previous bankrupt owners. Now, with a reorganized Essar Group at the helm, this broken promise could be made whole with iron ore production as soon as 2026. That is, if it can find customers for high-grade iron pellets until a direct-reduced iron plant can be added a few years later. If successful, Mesabi Metallics could become a producer of iron used in new steelmaking technology, a fact that would set it apart from its Minnesota competitors. Without this kind of capacity to make direct-reduced-grade pellets and value-added iron products, Iron Range mines will wither over the next two decades. In November, Chinese researchers announced a new steelmaking process that sprays fine iron powder into a hot furnace for iron or steel production. Their tests show that it is 3,600 times more efficient than a blast furnace. Legacy companies and iron-mining communities must act on changing technology or face terrible economic consequences. It’s not enough to “support mining.” You have to support progress within the industry while protecting the workers and their families who might be affected by change. Finally, energy. Heliene in Mountain Iron is just one company with a relatively small share of the global solar picture. But Minnesota is the only Midwestern state that incentivizes solar-component production. Companies here can also capitalize on federal incentives to increase their market share. The incentives for solar could change dramatically when President-elect Donald Trump, an outspoken renewable-energy skeptic, takes office. But a word of caution to those who might delight in rolling back progress in this industry. Solar is now the cheapest form of energy that humans produce. That’s a fact that transcends politics and climate science, or at least should. In a September report, the International Solar Alliance suggested the world will have up to 75 Gigawatts of solar power capacity by 2050, just as other forms of energy are predicted to spike in costs. Rooftop solar power is still too expensive for many people to install now, but adoption is filtering down from the upper class into the middle class as we speak. Here again, why not build it in Minnesota? These three projects deserve scrutiny, to be sure. There’s nothing magical about them. But they are examples of value-added economic diversity in greater Minnesota, a pursuit far more attainable than resurrecting dead economies of the past.

The Washington Commanders released 2023 first-rounder Emmanuel Forbes on Saturday, cutting ties with another high draft pick from the previous regime. All of previous coach Ron Rivera's first-rounders — including edge rusher Chase Young in 2020, linebacker Jamin Davis in ‘21 and wide receiver Jahan Dotson in '22 — are now gone. Forbes never showed progress to the new staff led by coach Dan Quinn and was a healthy scratch twice this season and did not play in two other games during which the 23-year-old was in uniform.

Saquon Barkley becomes ninth running back to rush for 2,000 yards in a season

The Washington Commanders released 2023 first-rounder Emmanuel Forbes on Saturday, cutting ties with another high draft pick from the previous regime. All of previous coach Ron Rivera's first-rounders — including edge rusher Chase Young in 2020, linebacker Jamin Davis in ‘21 and wide receiver Jahan Dotson in '22 — are now gone. Forbes never showed progress to the new staff led by coach Dan Quinn and was a healthy scratch twice this season and did not play in two other games during which the 23-year-old was in uniform.Respiratory Device Market Growth in Future Scope 2024-2031 12-21-2024 05:29 PM CET | Health & Medicine Press release from: Coherent Market Insights Respiratory Device Market Trends Overview 2024-2031: A new Report by Coherent Market Insights, titled "Respiratory Device Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2031," offers a comprehensive analysis of the industry, which comprises insights on the Respiratory Device market analysis. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis, and contemporary advancements in the market. This report has a complete table of contents, figures, tables, and charts, as well as insightful analysis. The Respiratory Device market has been growing significantly in recent years, driven by a number of key factors, such as increasing demand for its products, expanding customer base, and technological advancements. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Respiratory Device market, including market size, trends, drivers and constraints, Competitive Aspects, and prospects for future growth. Purchase Now Up to 45% Discount on This Premium Report @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/promo/buynow/101578 The purpose of the market research study is to thoroughly investigate the industry in order to gain knowledge of the industry and its economic potential. As a result, the client has a complete knowledge of the market and business from past, present, and prospective aspects enabling them to allocate resources and investing money wisely. Scope of the Respiratory Device Market: The Respiratory Device market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2024 and 2031. In 2021, the market is growing at a steady rate, and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon. Geographical Landscape of the Respiratory Device market: The Respiratory Device Market report provides information about the market area, which is further subdivided into sub-regions and countries/regions. In addition to the market share in each country and sub-region, this chapter of this report also contains information on profit opportunities. » North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico) » Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy) » Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia) » Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia) » Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa) This report offers actionable growth insights and an extensive study comprising secondary research, primary interviews with industry stakeholders, and competitors, validation, and triangulation with the Coherent Market Insights regional database. Experts have detailed primary records with the market players across the value chain in all regions and industry experts to obtain qualitative and quantitative insights. Trends and Opportunities of the Respiratory Device Market: The Respiratory Device market has seen several trends in recent years, and understanding these trends is crucial to stay ahead of the competition. This report also presents several opportunities for players in the market. The increasing demand for Respiratory Device in various industries presents several growth opportunities for players in the market. Key Benefits for Stakeholders: ⏩ The study includes a comprehensive analysis of current Respiratory Device Market trends, estimations, and market size dynamics from 2024 to 2031 in order to identify the most potential prospects. ⏩ The five forces study by Porter underlines the role of buyers and suppliers in aiding stakeholders in making profitable business decisions and expanding their supplier-buyer network. ⏩ In-depth research, as well as market size and segmentation, can assist you in identifying current Respiratory Device Market opportunities. ⏩ The largest countries in each area are mapped based on their market revenue contribution. ⏩ The Respiratory Device Market research report provides an in-depth analysis of the top competitors in the Respiratory Device Market. Purchase Now Up to 45% Discount on This Premium Report @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/promo/buynow/101578 Reasons to buy: 👉 Procure strategically important competitor information, analysis, and insights to formulate effective R&D strategies. 👉 Recognize emerging players with potentially strong product portfolios and create effective counter-strategies to gain a competitive advantage. 👉 Classify potential new clients or partners in the target demographic. 👉 Develop tactical initiatives by understanding the focus areas of leading companies. 👉 Plan mergers and acquisitions meritoriously by identifying Top Manufacturers. 👉 Develop and design in-licensing and out-licensing strategies by identifying prospective partners with the most attractive projects to enhance and expand business potential and Scope. 👉 Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high-quality data and analysis. FAQ's Q.1 What are the main factors influencing the Respiratory Device market? Q.2 Which companies are the major sources in this industry? Q.3 What are the market's opportunities, risks, and general structure? Q.4 Which of the top Respiratory Device Market companies compare in terms of sales, revenue, and prices? Q.5 Which businesses serve as the Respiratory Device market's distributors, traders, and dealers? Q.6 How are market types and applications and deals, revenue, and value explored? Q.7 What does a business area's assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate? Author of this marketing PR: Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights. 📌Contact Us: Mr. Shah Coherent Market Insights Pvt. Ltd, 📞U.S.: + 12524771362 📞U.K.: +442039578553 📞AUS: +61-2-4786-0457 📞INDIA: +91-848-285-0837 ✉ Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.com About Us: Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions. We are headquartered in India, having sales office at global financial capital in the U.S. and sales consultants in United Kingdom and Japan. Our client base includes players from across various business verticals in over 57 countries worldwide. We create value for clients through our highly reliable and accurate reports. We are also committed in playing a leading role in offering insights in various sectors post-COVID-19 and continue to deliver measurable, sustainable results for our clients. This release was published on openPR.

The No. 5 Penn State Nittany Lions (11-2) host the No. 12 SMU Mustangs (11-2) at Beaver Stadium in University Park, Pennsylvania in the first round of the College Football Playoff. Opening kick is at noon ET, and Penn State is an 8.5-point favorite. What channel is Penn State vs. SMU on? What time is Penn State vs. SMU? Penn State and SMU play at Noon ET. Penn State vs. SMU betting odds, lines, spread Odds courtesy of BetMGM Penn State schedule SMU schedule This content was created for Gannett using technology provided by Data Skrive.

I recently asked readers of this column if they could recommend nurseries that more of us should know about. In response, Peggy Neiman suggested I visit the San Gabriel Nursery & Florist in San Gabriel, “The employees are delightful and knowledgeable with a wonderful variety of plants and flowers,” she wrote, noting the nursery’s “very interesting history.” The story is indeed interesting, and I’m going to share a summary of that history here that I got from the nursery’s website, but you can read it in full at sgnursery.com . Before doing so, I should mention that I have visited this nursery and can testify to its vast selection of fruit trees, roses and ornamental plants that’s second to none. If you are looking for cut flowers, this is also the place to go since they have a wide selection of exotic flora from which to choose. Garden accessories are also available in generous supply. Unfortunately, San Gabriel is in the citrus quarantine zone so you will have to look elsewhere for these trees. The story of today’s San Gabriel Nursery & Florist begins in 1917, with the arrival by boat of 21-year-old Fred Yoshimura in San Francisco. He had come to America with the dream of starting a business that would enable him to support his family in Japan. The following year brought Yoshimura to San Gabriel, where he lived in a boarding house while working in the gardens that were being planted in San Marino and Pasadena. The enterprising young gardener took cuttings from the plants and with money saved from his gardening jobs was soon able to rent a piece of land and establish Mission Nursery, from which he could sell nursery stock that developed from his cuttings. At this time, sprinkler systems were being installed for the first time and Yoshimura became an expert in this technology, adding to his skills as a gardening professional. Soon afterward, Yoshimura met Mitoko Naito. At the age of 15, she had come to South Pasadena to work in a home as a domestic helper. In 1924, the two young immigrants were married. At the suggestion of one of their customers, Mrs. Yoshimura became one of the first florists in the area, learning flower-arranging skills from this same customer. As their business grew, so did their family, with the Yoshimuras having two boys and two girls, all of whom would help to expand the thriving family business. By the early 1930s, Mission Nursery had 60 employees and business was booming. In addition to selling plants, the nursery installed irrigation systems, fish ponds, and rock gardens. The nursery also imported stone lanterns and benches from Japan which became quite popular, even hiring a man who had spent time in Japan learning how to craft these special Japanese garden accessories. Fred Yoshimura was proud of his heritage and helped those around him gain a better understanding of his culture. He was active in the Chamber of Commerce and president of the Nurserymen’s Association. His charitable nature came to the fore in donating truckloads of plants to military bases throughout California. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Fred Yoshimura, along with 120,000 other Japanese Americans, was sent to an internment camp even as his oldest son would be drafted and serve in the United States Army. Once the internment of Japanese Americans began, it was assumed that the nursery would have to be sold. Mrs. Yoshimura was approached by several buyers but rejected their offers which were too low. Finally, Manchester Boddy, publisher of the Los Angeles Daily News, presented a fair offer that was accepted by Mrs. Yoshimura. Not only would Boddy’s offer allow the Yoshimuras to pay off their bank loans, but they would receive monthly payments throughout their internment that made it possible for them to start another nursery business in the future. It should also be noted that while Mrs. Yoshuimura was in the camp, she was hired by the government to run a flower shop. She grew the plants and flowers that were used in floral arrangements for weddings and other events. When the war ended in 1945, the Yoshimuras returned to San Gabriel and established San Gabriel Nursery & Florist across the street from where Mission Nursery stood. That nursery was soon closed when Manchester Boddy took all the inventory to his estate where he started his own nursery business. That estate eventually became Descanso Gardens and visitors there will set their eyes on camellias, azaleas, and Japanese lanterns that were from the stock Boddy acquired when purchasing Mission Nursery from the Yoshimuras. On the nursery’s website, there is a compelling photo of a field of pansies on the San Gabriel Nursery property at that time. In those days, pansies (and other flowers, I am sure) were not purchased in plastic containers. You would go to the nursery and point to the flowers you wanted and they would be dug up for you to take home and transplant into your own garden. It should be noted that Bellefontaine Nursery, in Pasadena, was started in the 1930s by the Uchidas, another Japanese American family. They too were interned during World War II, but with the assistance of friends were able to keep possession of the nursery during the war. You can read the complete history of the nursery and the family behind it at bellefontainenursery.com . California native of the week : Foliage, flowers and hips (fruit) of California wild roses (Rosa californica) are all fragrant and the hips are recommended for making tea. California wild roses will appreciate a bit more moisture than other native plants. While growing in full sun close to the coast, they will benefit from partial shade in hotter, more inland environments. California wild roses make a fine natural barrier because of their nasty thorns that will keep out meandering urban wildlife. Individual plants will grow in a thicket, with each rose bush reaching up to 6 feet tall with a spread of 10 feet. There is a wonderful display of these roses in a planter at the entrance to the Los Angeles Zoo.Eagles seek 7th straight win while Rams try to keep pace in crowded NFC West race

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MILWAUKEE (AP) — Themus Fulks' 26 points helped Milwaukee defeat IU Indianapolis 88-81 on Sunday. Fulks also contributed five rebounds and five assists for the Panthers (10-4, 3-0 Horizon League). Kentrell Pullian scored 20 points while going 5 of 9 from the floor, including 4 for 7 from 3-point range, and 6 for 8 from the line. Erik Pratt shot 5 for 9, including 1 for 4 from beyond the arc to finish with 11 points. Sean Craig led the way for the Jaguars (5-10, 1-3) with 22 points, eight rebounds and four steals. Paul Zilinskas added 21 points and three steals for IU Indianapolis. Jarvis Walker finished with 12 points and four assists. Milwaukee's next game is Thursday against Oakland on the road. IU Indianapolis hosts Youngstown State on Wednesday. ___ The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by and data from . The Associated Press

ICEYE expands its Earth Observation capabilities with launch of two SAR satellites for mid-inclination orbit on the Bandwagon-2 mission with SpaceXAscom Holding AG ( OTCMKTS:ACMLF – Get Free Report ) was the recipient of a large drop in short interest during the month of November. As of November 15th, there was short interest totalling 1,300 shares, a drop of 58.1% from the October 31st total of 3,100 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 0 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently ∞ days. Ascom Stock Performance OTCMKTS:ACMLF opened at $6.50 on Friday. Ascom has a 52 week low of $6.34 and a 52 week high of $6.50. The firm has a 50-day moving average price of $6.50 and a two-hundred day moving average price of $7.17. About Ascom ( Get Free Report ) Read More Receive News & Ratings for Ascom Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Ascom and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .

Drones for commercial and recreational use have grown rapidly in popularity, despite restrictions on who can operate them and where they can be flown. No-fly zones are enforced around airports, military installations, nuclear plants, certain landmarks including the Statue of Liberty, and sports stadiums during games. Not everybody follows the rules. Sightings at airports have shut down flights in a few instances. Reported sightings of what appear to be drones flying over New Jersey at night in recent weeks have created anxiety among some residents, in part because it is not clear who is operating them or why. Some state and local officials have called for stricter rules to govern drones. After receiving reports of drone activity last month near Morris County, New Jersey, the Federal Aviation Administration issued temporary bans on drone flights over a golf course in Bedminster , New Jersey, that is owned by President-elect Donald Trump, and over Picatinny Arsenal Military Base . The FAA says the bans are in response to requests from “federal security partners.” The FAA is responsible for the regulations governing their use , and Congress has written some requirements into law. With a 2018 law, the Preventing Emerging Threats Act, Congress gave certain agencies in the Homeland Security and Justice departments authority to counter threats from unmanned aircraft to protect the safety of certain facilities. New drones must be outfitted with equipment allowing law enforcement to identify the operator, and Congress gave the agencies the power to detect and take down unmanned aircraft that they consider dangerous. The law spells out where the counter-drone measures can be used, including “national special security events” such as presidential inaugurations and other large gatherings of people. To get a “remote pilot certificate,” you must be at least 16 years old, be proficient in English, pass an aeronautics exam, and not suffer from a ”mental condition that would interfere with the safe operation of a small unmanned aircraft system.” Yes, but the FAA imposes restrictions on nighttime operations. Most drones are not allowed to fly at night unless they are equipped with anti-collision lights that are visible for at least 3 miles (4.8 kilometers). Over the past decade, pilots have reported hundreds of close calls between drones and airplanes including airline jets. In some cases, airplane pilots have had to take evasive action to avoid collisions. Drones buzzing over a runway caused flights to be stopped at London’s Gatwick Airport during the Christmas travel rush in 2018 and again in May 2023 . Police dismissed the idea of shooting down the drones, fearing that stray bullets could kill someone. Advances in drone technology have made it harder for law enforcement to find rogue drone operators — bigger drones in particular have more range and power. Some state and local officials in New Jersey are calling for stronger restrictions because of the recent sightings, and that has the drone industry worried. Scott Shtofman, director of government affairs at the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International, said putting more limits on drones could have a “chilling effect” on “a growing economic engine for the United States.” “We would definitely oppose anything that is blindly pushing for new regulation of what are right now legal drone operations,” he said. AirSight, a company that sells software against “drone threats,” says more than 20 states have enacted laws against privacy invasion by drones, including Peeping Toms. Will Austin, president of Warren County Community College in New Jersey, and founder of its drone program, says it's up to users to reduce public concern about the machines. He said operators must explain why they are flying when confronted by people worried about privacy or safety. “It's a brand new technology that's not really understood real well, so it will raise fear and anxiety in a lot of people,” Austin said. “We want to be good professional aviators and alleviate that.” Associated Press reporter Rebecca Santana in Washington, D.C., contributed.ATLANTA (AP) — Robert Braswell's 19 points helped Charlotte defeat Georgia State 77-63 on Saturday. Braswell also contributed three steals for the 49ers (5-4). Nik Graves scored 15 points while shooting 5 of 7 from the field and 5 for 9 from the line. Jaehshon Thomas totaled 13 points and seven rebounds. Zarigue Nutter led the Panthers (4-6) with 19 points. Nicholas McMullen and Toneari Lane both finished with 13 points and six rebounds. Charlotte took the lead with 8:06 remaining in the first half and never looked back. The score was 32-25 at halftime, with Braswell racking up seven points. The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar .

For the second time in ten months, former Bears kicker Robbie Gould was introduced as the new head football coach at an area high school. Gould resigned from Rolling Meadows on Dec. 3 and was hired by St. Viator, the Catholic high school four miles northeast, on Dec. 10. The school held a news conference to introduce him on Thursday. “I’m truly honored to be in this position,” Gould said. “I want to thank everyone involved in this hiring process. It was thorough and thoughtful, and it made it clear that St. Viator is a place where core values and hard work are prioritized. This is a school that places an emphasis on education, character development and service — values I personally believe in and that I see reflected in this football program.” St. Viator was 4-5 this fall, losing five of its last six games, and didn’t make the playoffs. Coach David Archibald then resigned. The Lions’ starting quarterback this year was senior Cooper Kmet, the younger brother of Bears tight end Cole Kmet. And there’s another significant connection to the Bears — Hall of Fame running back Walter Payton’s son, Jarrett, attended St. Viator. Gould guided Rolling Meadows to the playoffs in his one season, improving them from two victories to five. His move to the Catholic League comes at a time of heightened attention around the public school vs. private school debate. Gould emphasized St. Viator’s facilities in his comments Thursday. “The strength and conditioning program here is outstanding, and it’s a critical part of developing our athletes,” he said. “But it’s not just about physical strength. This program is about developing mental toughness, perseverance and teamwork. These core values will be the foundation of our football team moving forward.” A few other ex-Bears are coaching high school football in the area. Former safety Tom Nelson is at Hersey, former fullback Jason McKie is at Carmel, and former running back Jordan Lynch is at Mount Carmel. “As a former Penn State Nittany Lion, I understand the importance of tradition, and the alumni here are incredibly supportive,” Gould said. “I look forward to building a strong community of former players and supporters who will continue to help shape this program for years to come.”BSNL at competitive disadvantage vis-a-vis private telcos: Parliamentary panel

Advisors Asset Management Inc. lessened its holdings in shares of Brunswick Co. ( NYSE:BC – Free Report ) by 28.2% during the 3rd quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm owned 1,854 shares of the company’s stock after selling 728 shares during the quarter. Advisors Asset Management Inc.’s holdings in Brunswick were worth $155,000 at the end of the most recent quarter. A number of other large investors also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. Baillie Gifford & Co. boosted its holdings in Brunswick by 88.0% during the 2nd quarter. Baillie Gifford & Co. now owns 2,430,983 shares of the company’s stock valued at $176,903,000 after acquiring an additional 1,137,568 shares during the period. New York State Common Retirement Fund boosted its position in Brunswick by 447.5% in the 3rd quarter. New York State Common Retirement Fund now owns 271,681 shares of the company’s stock valued at $22,772,000 after buying an additional 222,062 shares during the period. Swedbank AB bought a new position in Brunswick in the 1st quarter worth about $19,304,000. Deroy & Devereaux Private Investment Counsel Inc. purchased a new position in shares of Brunswick during the third quarter worth approximately $15,907,000. Finally, Victory Capital Management Inc. raised its stake in shares of Brunswick by 13.5% during the third quarter. Victory Capital Management Inc. now owns 1,414,490 shares of the company’s stock valued at $118,563,000 after acquiring an additional 168,384 shares in the last quarter. 99.34% of the stock is owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors. Brunswick Stock Performance Shares of Brunswick stock opened at $80.51 on Friday. The company has a market capitalization of $5.31 billion, a PE ratio of 20.05 and a beta of 1.51. The company has a 50-day simple moving average of $81.79 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $78.79. Brunswick Co. has a one year low of $69.05 and a one year high of $99.68. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.17, a quick ratio of 0.74 and a current ratio of 1.97. Brunswick Announces Dividend Wall Street Analyst Weigh In Several brokerages recently issued reports on BC. Benchmark reissued a “buy” rating and issued a $100.00 price objective on shares of Brunswick in a research note on Friday, October 25th. B. Riley lowered Brunswick from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating and cut their price target for the company from $95.00 to $88.00 in a research note on Tuesday. Finally, Citigroup lifted their price objective on Brunswick from $92.00 to $101.00 and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on Friday, September 27th. Seven investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and seven have given a buy rating to the stock. Based on data from MarketBeat.com, the company presently has a consensus rating of “Moderate Buy” and an average price target of $88.54. Check Out Our Latest Analysis on Brunswick Insider Activity at Brunswick In other Brunswick news, CEO David M. Foulkes sold 23,829 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, October 31st. The shares were sold at an average price of $80.22, for a total transaction of $1,911,562.38. Following the sale, the chief executive officer now owns 251,094 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $20,142,760.68. The trade was a 8.67 % decrease in their position. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at this link . Also, Director Nancy E. Cooper sold 366 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction on Friday, November 1st. The stock was sold at an average price of $80.19, for a total transaction of $29,349.54. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now directly owns 24,557 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $1,969,225.83. This represents a 1.47 % decrease in their position. The disclosure for this sale can be found here . Insiders sold 28,940 shares of company stock valued at $2,321,176 over the last 90 days. Insiders own 0.81% of the company’s stock. About Brunswick ( Free Report ) Brunswick Corporation designs, manufactures, and markets recreation products in the United States, Europe, the Asia-Pacific, Canada, and internationally. It operates through four segments: Propulsion, Engine P&A, Navico Group, and Boat. The Propulsion segment provides outboard, sterndrive, inboard engines, propulsion-related controls, rigging, and propellers for boat builders through marine retail dealers under the Mercury, Mercury MerCruiser, Mariner, Mercury Racing, Mercury Diesel, Avator, and Fliteboard brands. Read More Five stocks we like better than Brunswick Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG) Pulls Back After Shaky Guidance The Latest 13F Filings Are In: See Where Big Money Is Flowing How to Invest in Tech Stocks and Top Tech Stocks to Consider 3 Penny Stocks Ready to Break Out in 2025 Insider Buying Explained: What Investors Need to Know FMC, Mosaic, Nutrien: Top Agricultural Stocks With Big Potential Receive News & Ratings for Brunswick Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Brunswick and related companies with MarketBeat.com's FREE daily email newsletter .FARMVILLE, Va. (AP) — Keishon Porter had 20 points in North Carolina Central's 77-70 win against Longwood on Saturday. Porter also contributed three steals for the Eagles (5-8). Po'Boigh King scored 16 points while shooting 6 for 10, including 3 for 6 from beyond the arc. Kelechi Okworogwo finished 4 of 4 from the floor for eight points. Colby Garland led the Lancers (9-3) with 15 points, six assists and four steals. Michael Christmas added 14 points and six rebounds. Elijah Tucker scored 13. The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar .

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