MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dez 16, 2024-- HistoSonics , Entwickler und Hersteller des Edison® Histotripsy Systems, gab heute bekannt, dass die ersten Patienten mit Pankreastumoren erfolgreich in der von dem Unternehmen gesponserten GANNON-Studie behandelt wurden. Die Machbarkeitsstudie soll die Sicherheit der Histotripsie, einer neuartigen nicht-invasiven Technologie, die gezielt Tumorgewebe mit fokussiertem Ultraschall zerstört, bei bis zu 30 Patienten mit inoperablen Pankreas-Adenokarzinom-Tumoren untersuchen, bei denen eine inoperable lokal fortgeschrittene Erkrankung (Stadium 3) diagnostiziert wurde oder bei denen sich eine geringe Anzahl von Tumoren auf andere Körperteile ausgebreitet hat (Stadium 4). Diese Pressemitteilung enthält multimediale Inhalte. Die vollständige Mitteilung hier ansehen: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241216108664/de/ Die GANNON-Studie wird am Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, Spanien, unter der Leitung von Dr. Santiago Sánchez Cabús, klinischer Leiter der Hepatopankreatobiliären Chirurgie am Hospital de Sant Pau und Professor für Chirurgie an der Autonomen Universität Barcelona, durchgeführt. Bauchspeicheldrüsentumore gehören zu den am schwierigsten zu behandelnden Tumoren. Jedes Jahr sind weltweit über 510.000 Menschen davon betroffen, und allein in den USA werden im Jahr 2024 schätzungsweise 66.440 Patienten diagnostiziert1,2. Mit der höchsten Sterblichkeitsrate aller wichtigen Tumorarten sind Tumore der Bauchspeicheldrüse derzeit die dritthäufigste Ursache für tumorbedingte Todesfälle in den Vereinigten Staaten, nach Lungen- und Darmkrebs, und es wird erwartet, dass sie bis 2030 zur zweithäufigsten Ursache werden2. Angesichts einer relativen Fünf-Jahres-Überlebensrate von 13 % über alle Stadien des Krankheitsverlaufs hinweg und begrenzter chirurgischer Möglichkeiten für die meisten Patienten sind neue Behandlungsmethoden wie die Histotripsie dringend erforderlich. Weniger als 20 % der Patienten, die an einem Pankreastumor leiden, kommen aufgrund des Fortschreitens der Krankheit zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose für eine Operation in Frage. Pankreastumore sind oft von dichtem, undurchdringlichem fibrotischem Gewebe umgeben, das die Wirksamkeit systemischer oder pharmakologischer Therapien einschränkt, da es nicht in der Lage ist, die Tumorzellen effektiv zu erreichen und anzugreifen.2,3 „Die Histotripsie hat das Potenzial, die Behandlung von Patienten mit Bauchspeicheldrüsentumoren zu revolutionieren, die bisher mit herkömmlichen Ansätzen als unbehandelbar galten. Ihr neuartiger Wirkmechanismus zielt sowohl auf den Tumor als auch auf das umgebende fibrotische Gewebe ab und bietet neue Hoffnung für Patienten mit fortgeschrittener Erkrankung, die die Mehrheit der Fälle ausmachen“, so Dr. Joan Vidal-Jove, medizinische Direktorin von HistoSonics. „Die meisten Patienten mit Bauchspeicheldrüsentumoren haben nur begrenzte Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und kommen aufgrund des fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsstadiums nicht für eine Operation in Frage“, so Mike Blue, CEO und Präsident von HistoSonics. „Wir glauben, dass die Histotripsie eine nicht-invasive Option zur Behandlung von Tumoren bietet, die bisher als unheilbar galten", so Mike Blue, CEO und Präsident von HistoSonics. „Unser Ziel ist es, das Potenzial der Histotripsie bei verschiedenen Tumorarten zu erweitern und die Ergebnisse für Patienten und Familien erheblich zu verbessern. Unsere ersten Forschungsergebnisse aus der GANNON-Studie werden uns und unsere Partnerärzte dabei helfen, die Histotripsie zu optimieren, um das Leben der Patienten erheblich zu verbessern.“ Die Verwendung des Edison-Systems bei Bauchspeicheldrüsenanwendungen ist auf Forschungszwecke beschränkt. Über das Edison® System Das Edison System ist für die nicht-invasive mechanische Zerstörung von Lebertumoren vorgesehen, einschließlich der teilweisen oder vollständigen Zerstörung von inoperablen Lebertumoren durch Histotripsie. Die FDA hat das Edison-System nicht für die Behandlung von Krankheiten, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Krebs, oder für spezifische Krebsergebnisse (wie lokale Tumorprogression, 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate oder Gesamtüberlebensrate) bewertet. Das System sollte nur von Ärzten verwendet werden, die eine von HistoSonics durchgeführte Schulung absolviert haben, und seine Verwendung sollte sich nach dem klinischen Urteil eines entsprechend ausgebildeten Arztes richten. Eine vollständige Liste der Warnhinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen sowie eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse klinischer Studien, einschließlich der gemeldeten unerwünschten Ereignisse, finden Sie in der Gebrauchsanweisung des Geräts. Über HistoSonics HistoSonics ist ein in Privatbesitz befindliches Medizintechnikunternehmen, das eine nicht-invasive Plattform und eine proprietäre Schallstrahltherapie auf Basis der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse der Histotripsie entwickelt. Es handelt sich dabei um einen neuartigen Wirkmechanismus, bei dem fokussierter Ultraschall eingesetzt wird, um unerwünschtes Gewebe und Tumore mechanisch zu zerstören und zu verflüssigen. Derzeit konzentriert sich das Unternehmen auf die Kommerzialisierung seines Edison-Systems in den USA und ausgewählten globalen Märkten für die Behandlung der Leber, während gleichzeitig die Anwendung der Histotripsie auf andere Organe wie Niere, Bauchspeicheldrüse und weitere Organe erweitert wird. HistoSonics unterhält Niederlassungen in Ann Arbor, Michigan und Minneapolis, Minnesota. Weitere Informationen zur GANNON-Studie finden Sie unter NCT06282809 unter GANNON Trial Information auf ClinicalTrials.gov . Informationen zum Edison Histotripsy System finden Sie unter: www.histosonics.com/ . Patientenbezogene Informationen finden Sie unter: www.myhistotripsy.com/ . 1Globocan 2022: https://gco.iarc.fr/today/en/fact-sheets-cancers 2Quelle für Statistiken: American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts & Figures 2024 and Pancreatic Treatment Options 3Norton J, Foster D, Chinta M, Titan A, Longaker M. Pancreatic Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAF): Under-Explored Target for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment. Cancers. 2020; 12(5):1347. Die Ausgangssprache, in der der Originaltext veröffentlicht wird, ist die offizielle und autorisierte Version. Übersetzungen werden zur besseren Verständigung mitgeliefert. Nur die Sprachversion, die im Original veröffentlicht wurde, ist rechtsgültig. Gleichen Sie deshalb Übersetzungen mit der originalen Sprachversion der Veröffentlichung ab. Originalversion auf businesswire.com ansehen: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241216108664/de/ CONTACT: Josh King Vice President of Global Market Access Joshua.king@histosonics.com 608-332-8124Kimberly Ha KKH Advisors kimberly.ha@kkhadvisors.com 917-291-5744 KEYWORD: MINNESOTA SPAIN NORTH AMERICA UNITED STATES ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE INDUSTRY KEYWORD: MEDICAL DEVICES HOSPITALS CLINICAL TRIALS HEALTH TECHNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY OTHER HEALTH RADIOLOGY HEALTH ONCOLOGY SOURCE: HistoSonics Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/16/2024 06:34 PM/DISC: 12/16/2024 06:35 PM http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241216108664/deA 7.0 magnitude earthquake jolted the northern coast of California early Thursday, sparking evacuations due to an ensuing tsunami warning, which was revoked shortly afterward. Fortunately, no casualties were recorded. The powerful quake hit 39 miles off Ferndale, as reported by the U.S. Geological Survey. Residents in the area experienced mild chaos, with local businesses cleaning up fallen stock. Meanwhile, parts of California and Oregon were initially under a tsunami alert, affecting around 4.7 million residents. Authorities swiftly canceled warnings as threats diminished. In separate news, Governor Gavin Newsom convened with state emergency teams to address public safety concerns. (With inputs from agencies.)A CT athletic trainer was dismissed and the athletes in her care are trying to get her back
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Juan Soto gets free luxury suite and up to 4 premium tickets for home games in $765M Mets dealThe Christmas season is upon us and that means all sorts of parties. At least one of the parties you’ve been invited to is either an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party or has ugly sweaters as the uniform. No matter what, there’s at least one even this year you’ll need an ugly sweater for and we’ve got what you’re looking for! From hilarious sweaters to sweaters that don’t even realize how ugly they are, we’ve got options for everyone and every situation. Don’t let the holiday season pass without getting your hands on at least one of these holiday must-haves. This beige reindeer snowflake midi is a classic take on the ugly look. Perfect for staying cozy while spreading festive cheer, this jumper combines holiday spirit with a comfortable fit. At an impressive savings, it’s a great choice to stand out without splurging. Embrace the season and let your style shine with this delightfully festive piece! This is perfectly ugly. Featuring a quirky design with a narwhal and “Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins” script, it’s perfect for holiday gatherings or cozy nights in. With impressive savings, this officially licensed piece is a great gift idea for fans or a festive addition to your wardrobe. Pair it with jeans or wear it as part of your PJs—either way, it’s a charming choice! Made from a soft polyester blend, this is perfect for chilly days while adding festive cheer to your wardrobe. With eye-catching patterns and comfortable long sleeves, this sweater is versatile enough for holiday gatherings or lounging at home. Enjoy impressive savings while embracing the Christmas spirit—pair it with jeans or leggings for a cute and casual look! Rock the ugly sweater party with this With festive ornaments and a modern tailored fit, it’s the perfect choice for holiday photos or just spreading Christmas cheer. Made from premium fabric, this sweater is both cozy and stylish, ensuring you stay comfortable all season. With great savings, it’s an ideal pick for festive family photos or adding a playful touch to your holiday wardrobe! This is pretty timely for your upcoming party. Perfect for both men and women, this fun design is sure to get laughs and make a statement. Crafted from a comfy 50/50 cotton/polyester blend, it’s durable and easy to care for—just machine wash inside-out. With a range of sizes available, you can find the perfect fit. Amazon deals you won’t want to miss! This festive is as comfortable as it is eye-catching, with its soft polyester-spandex blend and vibrant Christmas-themed print. Built to last with fade-free colours, it’s perfect for holiday gatherings or casual wear. Pro tip: size up for a perfect fit! Make your ugly Christmas sweater superhero-themed. This lightweight, soft cotton is perfect for layering or wearing solo. With a classic cable knit design and ribbed details, it blends comfort and style seamlessly. Bonus: officially licensed Disney, Marvel, and Star Wars designs make it extra special! Step up your holiday game with these hilarious 3D-printed ! Made from soft polyester-spandex fabric, they feature bold designs like Santa, Christmas dogs, and quirky festive patterns—perfect for parties or casual wear. Check the size chart for a great fit! Make your little one the star of the holidays with this adorably ugly ! Soft, machine-washable, and packed with festive charm, it’s a gift they’ll love—and guaranteed to earn tons of compliments. Check the size chart for the perfect fit. Turn heads this season with this hilarious, light-up ! Festive and funny, this sweater and all the different options are made of soft cotton with easy pull-on comfort. Perfect with jeans or slacks, these crowd-pleasers will light up any holiday gathering—literally! Celebrate holiday chaos with this hilarious “Why is the Carpet All Wet, Todd?” ! Made from real knit fabric, it’s a festive must-have for fans of classic holiday humour. Perfect for parties or lounging by the tree, you’ve got to snag this sweater. Stay cozy and cheeky at your next party with this “Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal” . Crafted from a soft cotton-acrylic blend, it’s unisex, comfy, and perfect for parties or lounging. This sweater is going to be a festive favourite for the whole holiday season! Light up your holiday season with this fun . Made from soft, breathable acrylic, it combines comfort with festive flair. Perfect for both parties and lounging, this sweater brings holiday cheer and a unique glow to your celebrations. Make sure to check the size chart for the perfect fit! Shine bright this Christmas with this hilarious . Featuring detachable LED lights and a fun snowflake pattern, it’s a perfect fit for couples or anyone looking to stand out at holiday parties. Made from soft, skin-friendly acrylic, it’s comfy and washable (just remember to remove the lights before cleaning). Available in a range of sizes, this unisex sweater will keep you cozy and festive all season long! Get into the Christmas spirit with this featuring a festive reindeer and snowflake design. With a cozy shawl collar and ribbed details, it’s both stylish and comfortable. Easy to care for and the perfect gift for loved ones, this knitwear is sure to make your holidays extra special! This is the ultimate conversation starter, featuring festive reindeer, snowflakes, and other holiday motifs. Perfect for Christmas Eve parties or family gatherings, it offers a slim fit with a stylish edge. Dress it up for a sophisticated yet fun look—guaranteed to make you stand out! A fantastic gift for the fashion-forward holiday enthusiast in your life. This 3D graphic is the perfect mix of festive fun and elegance! Featuring a vibrant all-over print, lapel collar, and a matching tie, it’s ideal for holiday parties or special events. Made from soft, wrinkle-free fabric, this blazer offers comfort and style in one. A standout gift for any Christmas-loving guy looking to shine in a crowd! Get ready for the holidays with this ultra-soft, comfortable Made from warm, stretchy acrylic, it features fun patterns like Santa, reindeer, and snowflakes. Perfect for holiday parties, ugly sweater contests, or cozy days at the ski cabin, this unisex pullover is a must-have for both men and women. Light up your holiday season with this hilarious LED Christmas . Featuring 6 different light modes, it adds a festive sparkle to any party. The blinking ornaments and gaudy design are sure to grab attention and bring laughs. Made from soft, non-toxic acrylic, this sweater will keep you cozy while you spread holiday cheer! This adorably odd offers comfort and breathability while staying vibrant and stylish. Perfect for Christmas parties, themed events, or casual wear, this unisex pullover makes for a unique and fun gift for friends, family, or yourself! Easy to wash, it’s ready to light up your holiday season. Embrace the season in this oversized, comfy ! Featuring a fun 3D Santa print, it’s perfect for holiday parties or lounging at home. The crewneck design and soft, breathable fabric make it cozy for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating with friends or just showing off your festive spirit, this sweatshirt is sure to spread some holiday cheer! Made from a soft cotton blend, this breathable and cozy for the season. The cute graphic features a merry Christmas tree and lights, making it a standout piece for any holiday event. Ideal for casual wear, Christmas parties, or as a thoughtful gift for friends and family, this pullover brings joy to your celebrations! If you prefer a mix of patterns, you’ll love this . Made from a soft, breathable fabric, this cozy pullover is perfect for wearing during the holiday season. With a loose fit, it’s perfect for moms, sisters, or friends who love a good witchy moment. Perfect for gifting or adding to your own seasonal wardrobe! This hilarious is sure to be the life of your Ugly Christmas Sweater party! With a festive and cheeky design, it combines humor and holiday spirit in one perfect package. Available in sizes S-5X, it’s a must-have for anyone looking to add some fun to their Christmas wardrobe. These cute and funny add a festive flair to your wardrobe. Designed for ultimate comfort, these oversized sweatshirts offer a cozy fit, perfect for casual outings, holiday parties, or just lounging at home. With a vintage feel and trendy graphic designs, these sweatshirts are versatile enough for both a holiday look and casual everyday wear. Get ready to roar this holiday season with this trex . This fun, dinosaur-themed Christmas sweater is a unique twist on the classic ugly Christmas sweater. Featuring a playful T-Rex dressed as Santa, it’s the perfect mix of holiday cheer and humor. Made from soft, breathable fabric, this sweatshirt offers comfort all season long. Celebrate the season in style with 2024 for women! From funny, ugly Christmas designs to sparkling holiday cheer, there’s something for everyone. Choose from cozy crewnecks, oversized fits, and festive graphics like Santas, reindeer, and snowflakes. Perfect for parties, gifts, or casual wear, these sweaters ensure you’ll stay merry and bright all season long! Get ready to win every ugly sweater contest with the graphic from Wild Custom Apparel. Crafted from durable fabric with double-needle stitching, this sweatshirt features a standout Christmas print that’s sure to make you the life of the party. From naughty and funny Christmas designs to classic red and white , there’s something for everyone. Choose from crewnecks, hoodies, and stand-collar pullovers featuring playful prints, including Santa, reindeer, and even Christmas cats. Perfect for parties, family gatherings, or spreading holiday cheer, these ugly sweaters are designed for comfort and laughs. Featuring a festive snowman, Santa, snowflakes, and plaid, this stylish with a shawl lapel and two-button design is perfect for any Christmas party. Comfortable, skin-friendly fabric ensures all-day wear, while three inside pockets keep your essentials secure. Pair with a dress shirt and leather shoes for the ultimate holiday look. This adorably bold is perfect for the festive season, featuring a vibrant Xmas tree graphic. With a cozy fleece-lined interior and a comfortable crewneck, it’s ideal for staying warm during holiday parties. The loose fit ensures comfort, and its cute, casual design makes it perfect for any Christmas event. Available in a variety of festive colors, this sweatshirt pairs perfectly with leggings or jeans for a relaxed, stylish look. This ugly features a fun Christmas tree graphic, making it the perfect blend of cozy and festive. Crafted from soft, breathable fabric, it promises comfort and style. Ideal for casual outings, holiday parties, or Christmas gatherings, this shirt also makes a great gift for loved ones. With its playful design and relaxed fit, it’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser! This hilarious is the ultimate festive gear for fans of the holiday classic. Officially licensed and crafted from a durable cotton-polyester blend, it combines comfort with festive fun. Featuring a bold design of Elf and the iconic phrase, this sweater is perfect for holiday parties. Machine washable for easy care! This is the perfect blend of humor and festivity. Customize it with faces of loved ones, pets, or even cars for a unique holiday twist. Made from soft, breathable polyester-cotton blend, it ensures comfort and durability. This is a standout gift for family or friends to spread laughs and holiday cheer! This reindeer is perfect for festive fun! Featuring antlers and holiday graphics, it’s ideal for parties or cozy nights. Made for unisex wear, this hooded pullover combines humor and comfort. Available in various sizes, it’s a great gift idea for men—funny, unique, and perfect for spreading holiday cheer. This Christmas combines a chic snowflake design with a warm high-neck pullover style. Soft, breathable, and skin-friendly, it’s perfect for festive events or everyday wear. Pair with jeans or skirts for a cute holiday look. Warmth, comfort, and style in one festive top! This funky, ugly delivers bold, officially licensed Kiss graphics on durable heavyweight cotton. With taped shoulders for comfort and a striking tie-dye design, it’s the ultimate festive wear for fans. This is perfect for a rockin’ Christmas celebration! This silly brings laughter to the holidays. This unisex sweatshirt combines comfort and cheeky charm, making it perfect for parties or cozy nights. A lighthearted take on the Christmas spirit, it’s great for anyone who “tried” their best this year! This fun ugly Christmas sweater combines sherpa-lined warmth with a classic “Merry” print. This oversized crewneck is soft, lightweight, and perfect for casual holiday wear or DIY-ing your own ugly sweater. Pair it with jeans or sweatpants for a chic, cozy vibe at parties, work, or family gatherings. You’ll love this that brings soft comfort and festive charm with its lightweight cotton blend. Perfect for parties, casual outings, or cozy nights, this pullover pairs effortlessly with jeans or boots. A fun and thoughtful gift for loved ones, it’s a must-have for a Merry Christmas vibe! This cozy combines festive charm with cozy comfort. Featuring a “Merry Christmas” graphic and cheerful tree design, it’s perfect for holiday parties, gift exchanges, or casual winter outings. Made from a soft cotton blend, this pullover pairs easily with jeans or leggings for a versatile and stylish look. Add some sparkle and shine with this . This is your go-to festive statement piece! Adorned with glittering sequins and a dazzling design, this raglan-sleeve sweatshirt offers both comfort and style. Perfect for parties, family dinners, or cozy evenings, it radiates holiday cheer while keeping you warm. Embrace the holiday spirit with this , featuring festive graphics of Santa Claus and Christmas trees. Made from a cozy cotton blend, this sweatshirt is perfect for staying warm while adding a stylish touch to your seasonal wardrobe. A great gift idea and ideal for any Christmas event! Looking for the ? You’ve got to have this one! Made from a soft cotton blend, this long-sleeve pullover is as comfortable as it is fun. This sweatshirt is an ideal choice for casual outings or cozy parties. A fantastic gift for cat lovers, this unique and humorous shirt makes a great present. Made from a soft and stretchy cotton-polyester blend, this features a trendy round neck, long sleeves, and practical pockets. The loose, relaxed fit ensures you stay cozy all day, while the stylish patchwork design adds a modern twist to your festive wardrobe. Made from a breathable 70% cotton and 30% polyester blend, this offers comfort and style in equal measure. The vintage Christmas tree print adds a fun, festive touch. With its long sleeves, crewneck design, and loose fit, this is ideal for cozying up at Christmas parties or wearing year-round to show off your love for the holidays. This is a charming tribute to the classic 1954 holiday movie. Made from a cotton blend, this sweatshirt combines comfort, breathability, and a touch of stretch for all-day wearability. Featuring funny Christmas-themed letters, it brings a playful, festive vibe to your outfit, ensuring you stand out at any holiday gathering. This is perfect for tractor-loving kids, this festive sweater features a fun construction-themed design that’s sure to delight little ones. Whether it’s for school Christmas sweater parties or holiday family dinners, this playful pullover makes for an easy, no-fuss holiday outfit. The adorable cat and snowflake print of this adds a playful touch, while the long sleeve, crew neck pullover design ensures warmth and comfort for your little ones. This family-friendly Christmas sweater is great for holiday parties, family gatherings, Christmas photos, and much more. Thi adorable is the perfect blend of comfort and holiday cheer. Made from soft, skin-friendly fabric, it features fun graphics like elk, snowflakes, and Christmas trees, ideal for Ugly Christmas Sweater parties. The loose fit and long sleeves make it easy to pair with jeans or leggings, offering both style and warmth for the season. This holiday features a fun Santa graphic you’re going to love. Made from a soft, breathable fabric, it’s comfortable for all-day wear. Perfect for Christmas parties or as a gift for the season. The casual loose fit ensures a relaxed, stylish look. Machine wash with cold water for best care. This ugly sweater features a cute and is designed with a crewneck and long sleeves. It’s the perfect blend of trendy and festive, making it a standout piece for holiday gatherings. Soft and comfortable, it’s ideal for casual wear and can be paired with jeans or leggings. A great choice for a funny Christmas giftor holiday party. This features an adorable reindeer design, perfect for celebrating your little one’s first Christmas. The crewneck sweatshirt is cozy and warm, ensuring comfort during the holiday season. Ideal for family photos, festive parties, or as a thoughtful gift, this sweater adds extra charm to any Christmas celebration. This floursecent Santa is so strange and fun! Made from soft, breathable fabric, it offers comfort and style. Perfect for pairing with casual pants or skirts, this funny Christmas tee adds festive flair while keeping its shape all day. Ideal for holiday parties, it’s easy to care for and maintains its quality. This fun is cute, offering a comfortable, stretchy fit for all-day wear. With a cozy, oversized waffle knit design, this shirt is perfect for family gatherings, office parties, or holiday movie marathons. Pair it with leggings or joggers for a stylish yet comfy look. Easy to care for, it’s machine washable and perfect for creating lasting holiday memories. This is a fun way to keep you warm during the winter months. Unlike typical prints, the knit pattern is real and adds a unique touch to the design. Available in various styles like unisex sweaters, hoodies, and zip hoodies, as well as kid-sized options. Made from soft, comfortable fabric, these come in sizes for adults and families, so everyone can join in the Christmas spirit. Ideal for lounging, Christmas morning photos, family movie nights, or festive gatherings, these matching sets are easy to care for and perfect for making cherished holiday memories.
Energy Drink Company Curated Art Basel Rubbish, Selling Pieces of Art For A Good Cause MIAMI , Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lucky Energy , known for its full-flavor, deliciously refreshing energy drinks, kicked off its first-ever Art Basel appearance with an unforgettable activation that was as trashy as it was inspiring. Dubbed "Trashy Art," the activation featured models picking up garbage outside the Miami Beach Convention Center on days 1 and 2 of the art fair. The brand curated 30-40 pieces of this rubbish and sold them on ArtBaselTrash.com . All pieces went on sale for $13 - typically an unlucky number, but the brand finds that the most unlucky moments encourage us to "create our own luck." Proceeds of the sale will go towards DonorChoose. "Lucky Energy is a beverage and entertainment company that draws inspiration from pop art and fashion, so showing up in this format at Art Basel is an important milestone for us," said Lucky Energy Founder and CEO Richard Laver . Our "Talking Trash" initiative is a unique expression of our brand identity - it challenges conventional thinking and encourages deeper reflection. We believe it will resonate with our audience, who appreciate our delicious beverages, humor, and charm. Developed by Lucky Energy's in-house team, the website sold tickets to a Miami Heat Game, an unopened can of Lucky Energy Drink with lipstick on the rim, a long piece of black hair (rumored to belong to a famous sister that was once married to a rapper), an empty can of Redbull and more. "As the saying goes, 'art is art is art.' Art exists as its own entity, regardless of definition. With this insight, we ask, why can't trash fall into that category if everything is Art?" said Hamid Saify , CMO of Lucky Energy. "Our depiction of Art was designed to spark conversation and curiosity. As a brand, rethinking cultural norms is in our DNA. When told we can't or shouldn't, we are inspired to prove otherwise. We aim to instill that same 'can do' attitude and motivation in people, giving them the fuel they need to keep going. To make their own luck. This is why we are committed to supporting social causes, with the proceeds of "Trashy Art"' and an additional donation to funding a Miami -based kid's art program through DonorsChoose." Richard Laver founded Lucky Energy after experiencing tragic lows and dizzying heights; he launched the company to inspire people to persevere and keep going as he learned to do. He's the youngest survivor of the Delta 191 flight that killed his father and 136 others. After surviving the crash at just 12 years old, Laver suffered from depression and was homeless by 27. He eventually found the love of his life, Michelle, but during the premature birth of their first child, Kate, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and would need a feeding tube for nourishment. Through a medley of medical complications, he founded Kate Farms (now the #1 recommended plant-based tube-feeding formula) to save her life. In thinking about his next chapter, Laver landed on creating a cleaner alternative to the energy drinks on the market. To learn more about Lucky Energy and Trashy Art, visit www.luckybevco.com and follow @luckyenergyofficial on social media. Please contact Valeria Carrasco at valeria@hallettsconsulting.com with any questions. ABOUT Lucky Energy Drink Lucky Energy is a cleaner, better-for-you energy drink company founded by serial beverage entrepreneur Richard Laver . The brand creates high-quality products to motivate people to keep going . The product line features five flavors—with 5 super ingredients, including maca and beta-alanine, 0 sugar, 0 aftertaste, and only 5 calories. Products are available on Amazon. For more information, visit www.luckybevco.com and follow @luckyfckenergy on social media. View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/talking-trash-lucky-energy-debuted-at-art-basel-302329542.html SOURCE Lucky Beverage CompanyJuan Soto asserted that there is no bad blood between him and Aaron Judge - despite the fact that the pair of former New York Yankees teammates have not spoken since losing to the Los Angeles Dodgers in the World Series. On Thursday, Soto put pen to paper on his historic 15-year, $765 million contract with the New York Mets - officially bringing an end to the cutthroat sweepstakes for the star outfielder. Though the Red Sox, Blue Jays and Dodgers additionally showed interest in acquiring his talents, the race ultimately came down to a battle between the two teams in the Big Apple. The Mets pulled out all the stops to land Soto, including shelling out a $75 million signing bonus, providing a suite for all home games and not including any deferrals in the watershed deal. The Yankees, meanwhile, presented a final offer that consisted of $760 million over 16 years - but ultimately didn’t go above and beyond to retain the 26-year-old. Juan Soto's colossal net worth, gargantuan $765m Mets contract, Arlington home sale Juan Soto Mets deal is an overpay compared to Shohei Ohtani contract masterclass Speaking to members of the media during his introductory press conference at Citi Field, Soto shockingly revealed that he’d not spoken to any of his former Yankees teammates while mulling over his options in free agency. “I haven’t talked to any of those guys,” he said. “I talked to them through the playoffs and end of the playoffs but after that, amidst this process, I haven’t talked to any of those guys.” Last month, Judge divulged the reasoning behind why he was giving Soto the silent treatment. “I haven’t talked to him at all, I think the best thing is to really give those guys space,” he said at the time. Follow us on X for the best and latest in sports news “You know, I talked to him all season and he knows how we feel about him and I think the most important thing is now letting him do his thing with his family. Pray about it, talk with people and come to the right decision for him and his family. So, yeah I haven’t talked to him at all. I thought I talked to him maybe yesterday on a call during the announcement or interviews but he wasn’t there so I’ll see him down the road.” Since choosing the Mets over the Yankees, Soto conceded that he’s still yet to hear from Judge, but insisted that he and the 32-year-old remain on good terms. “Yeah, why not?” Soto said when asked if he expects to speak with Judge in the near future. “Definitely at the end of the day we’re still friends, we’re still cool. Everything that happened is just business-wise but... the relationship that we created last year I think is gonna stay there forever. And I’m looking forward to [that].” In their sole year together, Soto and Judge combined for 346 hits, 99 home runs, 253 RBIs, 262 walks en route to propelling the Yankees to a World Series berth. New York would ultimately fall short of winning it all, losing to the Dodgers 7-6 in Game 5.Hegseth meets with moderate Sen. Collins as he lobbies for key votes in the Senate
The voter ID in Nigeria, known officially as the Permanent Voter Card (PVC), may no longer be a requirement for voter verification if a set of reforms to the electoral process initiated by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) goes through. The reforms also seek to expand and streamline the use of biometrics in enhancing the positive outcome of elections in terms of voting and results management, particularly as the country looks forward to general elections in 2027. Neighbouring Ghana is one country that has in the use of biometrics in elections. In a recent meeting with Resident Electoral Commissioners, the Chairman of INEC, Prof Mahmood Yakubu, said the planned reforms are mostly inspired by recommendations that came from different quarters regarding the conduct of the 2023 general elections. He said the Commission has also consulted widely with different stakeholders on the issues to be rejigged in the electoral system. Nigeria amended its Electoral Act before the elections last year. According to a by Punch, Yakubu reiterated the desire of the election management agency to fix many of the loopholes noticed, and to pave the way for the organization of even more credible and transparent elections in the country in three years. The INEC leader said in the near future, the electoral umpire will take the substance of the envisaged amendments to the relevant parliamentary committees for consideration. Yakubu explained that from their internal review and external consultations and engagements, a total of 142 recommendations have been identified for action at different levels. These recommendations, he said, have to do with “the general state of preparedness, voter management, voter education and public communication, political parties and candidate management, electoral operations and logistics management, election officials and personnel, partnership and collaboration, monitoring and supervision, election technology, voting and result management, election security, electoral offences and the electoral legal framework.” Eight of the 142 recommendations require a legislative amendment to be approved by the two chambers of parliament, 86 need administrative measures to be implemented by INEC, while the remaining 48 need collaboration between a number of government institutions and agencies for their effective implementation. Among those recommendations requiring legislative amendment is a move to do away with the physical voter ID which has served as a proof of ID for voters at the polling station in past elections. It has also been a subject of controversy, often at the origin of allegations. Its production adds up election costs and its collection by registered voters has faced problems, with many voters abandoning the cards. The INEC boss says the idea is to replace the PVC with a digital slip or downloadable identity credential for voter verification. Advocacy group Yiaga Africa advised INEC after the 2023 polls to with downloadable credentials. A Commonwealth Observer Group report had also urged in the technology deployed for result counting and transmission. “The commission also believes that with the introduction of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System, the use of the Permanent Voters’ Cards as the sole means of identification for voter accreditation on Election Day should be reviewed,” Yakubu is quoted as saying, referring to the potential of the biometric voter verification system to replace the physical credential. “Those who already have the PVCs can still use them to vote, but going forward, computer-generated slips issued to the voter or even downloaded from the Commission’s website will suffice for voter accreditation,” he added. Other areas the reform envisages by INEC include considering voting by Diaspora Nigerians and the cleansing of the voter’s register by strengthening collaboration between the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) and the National Population Commission (NPC), as we back in 2021. | | | | | | |