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Sowei 2025-01-14
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5 of 185 000 is getting a major 2.0 update on , adding in brand new game modes, improvements for existing modes, free Virtual YouTuber content, and the ability to purchase Godzilla and Hatsune Miku as playable DLC characters. It’s an absolutely wild pairing, but an incredibly good one. Godzilla and Hatsune Miku join a stacked guest cast for that already includes Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Beat ( ), and Axel ( ). Should you purchase Godzilla for the game, you’ll be able to tackle stages while picking up trains, instead of bananas. Hatsune Miku will get musical notes to collect. In addition, all players will get free access to a NIJISANJI collection when the new update launches. This includes a logo t-shirt, a monkey ball with the NIJISANJI UKIUKI Cup logo on it, and a costume inspired by Saegusa Akina. Beyond cosmetics, is also set to get a brand new multiplayer mode shortly, called Super Punchy Brawl. This will let players “send their opponents flying by knocking them off the map with a big boxing glove!” You’ll need to buff this boxing glove to make punches stronger and maximise the damage you cause on the battlefield. Sega and RGG Studio have also confirmed an array of other changes are arriving in . Adventure Mode is being updated, to ensure players can find the Legendary Banana in each stage, and other tweaks include: All of these features, and a few more designed to improve game quality and ease of access, will be available in from . Importantly, that’s also the date when Hatsune Miku and Godzilla join the roster.WASHINGTON (AP) — Fiscales federales solicitaron el lunes desestimar los cargos penales contra el virtual presidente electo Donald Trump en los que se le acusaba de elaborar un plan para revertir los resultados de las elecciones de 2020, y poner fin a la causa en su contra por retención de documentos confidenciales, señalando como motivo una vieja política del Departamento de Justicia que establece que un mandatario en funciones no puede enfrentar procesos penales. La decisión del fiscal especial Jack Smith, quien había buscado fervientemente responsabilizar penalmente a Trump por sus intentos por anular los resultados de las elecciones de 2020, representó el fin de las labores federales contra el exmandatario después de su victoria electoral de este mes, la cual lo llevó de regreso a la Casa Blanca a pesar de las causas penales en su contra relacionadas con los comicios y varios otros cargos. La decisión, dada a conocer en documentos judiciales, también significa un final, predecible aunque no menos sorprendente, de los casos penales que eran considerados como los más peligrosos entre las múltiples amenazas legales que enfrenta Trump. Es un reflejo de las consecuencias prácticas de la victoria electoral de Trump, la cual le garantiza que asumirá el cargo libre de escrutinio sobre su retención de documentos ultrasecretos y sus intentos por anular los resultados de la elección presidencial de 2020, la cual perdió ante el demócrata Joe Biden. El equipo de Smith enfatizó que la decisión de dejar de lado las acusaciones, presentadas ante tribunales federales en Washington y Florida, no reflejaba su opinión sobre los méritos de los casos, sino más bien un reflejo de su compromiso con la política del departamento. “Dicha restricción es categórica y no depende de la gravedad de los delitos, la solidez del caso del gobierno o los méritos para ser procesado, mismos que el gobierno defiende por completo”, escribieron los fiscales en los documentos presentados ante el tribunal el lunes en el caso de interferencia electoral. La decisión era de esperarse después de que el equipo de Smith comenzó a evaluar la manera de poner fin tanto al caso de interferencia electoral de 2020 como al caso separado de documentos clasificados en el contexto de la victoria de Trump sobre la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. El Departamento de Justicia cree que Trump ya no puede ser procesado de acuerdo con la política de larga data que establece que los presidentes en funciones no pueden ser procesados. Trump ha dicho que ambos casos fueron presentados por motivaciones políticas y había prometido despedir a Smith tan pronto como asumiera el cargo en enero. El caso de las elecciones de 2020, presentado el año pasado, fue visto en su momento como una de las amenazas legales más serias que enfrentaba el republicano mientras competía por recuperar la Casa Blanca. Pero no tardó en estancarse en medio de las disputas legales sobre las afirmaciones de Trump de que gozaba de inmunidad a ser procesado por las acciones que tomó mientras estaba en la Casa Blanca. La Corte Suprema dictaminó por primera vez en julio pasado que los expresidentes gozan de una amplia inmunidad a ser procesados, y envió el caso de regreso a la jueza federal Tanya Chutkan para determinar cuáles de las acusaciones, de ser el caso, podrían proceder a juicio. El caso apenas comenzaba a cobrar impulso nuevamente en el tribunal a falta de unas semanas para las elecciones de este año. El equipo de Smith presentó un extenso informe en octubre en el cual se detallaron nuevas evidencias que planeaban usar contra Trump durante el juicio, acusándolo de “recurrir a delitos” como parte de un intento cada vez más desesperado por revertir la voluntad de los votantes después de su derrota electoral ante el presidente Joe Biden. Esta historia fue traducida del inglés por un editor de AP con la ayuda de una herramienta de inteligencia artificial generativa.

One lucky winner could take home game's seventh billion-dollar prize during Christmas Eve drawing New Jackpot.com customers can claim a free Mega Millions ticket on their first play with promo code XMAS SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- With Christmas Day just hours away, lottery players across the country are preparing for an extraordinary opportunity to take home Mega Millions' seventh-largest Jackpot as a winner has not won the grand prize in the last 29 drawings, dating back to September 10th when a Texas resident took home $810 million . 2024 has already been a record-breaking year for the lottery as it hit the ground running with a massive $842.4 million Powerball win on New Year's Day. Shortly after, a second lucky winner took home a staggering $1.13 billion Mega Millions prize in March, followed by a $1.326 billion Powerball jackpot in April, all of which signify some of the largest prizes ever awarded. 2025 represents a significant year for Mega Millions players, as the game as they know it will undergo a variety of changes come April. The game will feature larger starting jackpots, expedited rollover growth, and better odds. Lottery courier services like Jackpot.com eagerly await these welcome changes, which will not only enhance gameplay, but also elevate player experience(s). "There's a lot to like about the upcoming changes to Mega Millions," said CEO and co-founder of Jackpot.com , Akshay Khanna . "Whether you're a casual player or avid lottery user, the faster-growing jackpots, improved odds, and built-in multipliers will offer an entirely new feel to the game - hopefully one that encourages new players to get in on the action. That said, we have a one billion-dollar prize just before Christmas and potentially the ultimate present for one lucky winner, a life-changing gift at that." While tonight's drawing occurs on Christmas Eve, the Mega Millions jackpot has been won just once on the "Eve." Back in 2002, a $68 million jackpot was won in New York , unfortunately going unclaimed. Currently available in Colorado , Massachusetts , Arkansas , New Jersey , New York , Ohio , Texas , and Arizona , New Jackpot.com customers can get in on the fun this holiday by scoring a free Mega Millions ticket on their first play by using promo code XMAS. Amid the Mega Millions frenzy, Jackpot.com remains committed to upholding responsible gaming protocols through the integration of modern conveniences and safety guardrails, one of the standout features of digital lottery platforms. Through responsible gaming protections including spend limits, default limits on daily deposits, access to local and national responsible gambling resources, self-exclusion, self-suspension and automated notifications that offer help should problematic behavior arise, Jackpot.com ensures safe and secure transactions and play. The platform is also the only lottery courier service to launch with iCap certification from the National Council on Problem Gambling . To get started, download the Jackpot.com Lottery App on the iOS or Android App Stores, or visit www.jackpot.com to learn more. About Jackpot.com Jackpot.com allows customers to order official state lottery tickets from their mobile phone, tablet, or computer. Currently available in Colorado , Massachusetts , Arkansas , New Jersey , New York , Ohio and Texas , Jackpot.com is expanding its safe and secure lottery courier service to additional markets across the US. An Associate Member of the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries (NASPL), Jackpot.com has invested significantly in responsible gaming safeguards, with default spending limits and other features built in throughout the experience, earning it iCap certification from the National Council on Problem Gaming. To learn more, visit www.jackpot.com or download the iOS or Android app. Jason Heller Senior Vice President 212.584.4278| 5WPR.com 3 Park Avenue, Floor 19 New York, NY 10016 View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/tickets-to-the-1-billion-mega-millions-draw-available-this-christmas-eve-on-jackpotcom-302339022.html SOURCE Jackpot.com

Brandt’s Corner I promise I’m not purposely making every column from here on out named after a song, but they just continue work out that way. At least I’ve now changed genres. If you watched last week’s “Thursday Night Football” game, you saw a shootout between the Denver Broncos and Los Angeles Chargers — both gunning for a playoff spot late in the season. Both divisional rivals in the AFC West (although neither has a chance of winning the division so long as the Chiefs and Patrick Mahomes still exist). Denver, who hasn’t made the playoffs since its Super Bowl win in 2015, has seen a resurgence with its rookie QB, Bo Nix. The Chargers, under first-year head coach Jim Harbaugh, are looking to do more than squeak into the playoffs and fizzle out shortly after, as their MO has been as of late. The Bolts came out on top after a second-half surge took them past the D-Town Donkeys, but it was something in the first half that caught my attention — as well as most of America’s — and I just knew I had writing material for your pre-holiday reading pleasure. Something happened on the final snap of the first half that I have been preparing for since high school. I had an offensive coordinator who also served as our government and current events teacher. In the middle of rural Ohio, when you’re the offensive coordinator at a small high school, and you have to teach government and current events, you get sidetracked sometimes, or so was the case with Coach Auggie. Sometimes (most of the time), we would watch game film — whether you were an athlete of his or not, it didn’t matter — and find obscure rulings for abstract scenarios in the game of football. One such abstract scenario was this: you receive a kick of some sort (whether a kickoff or punt doesn’t matter) at the end of either of the two halves. If you signal for a fair catch on the kick, you can elect to either take the snap, or you may kick from the exact spot where the fair catch was caught, uncontested, and lined up like a kickoff. Our coach absolutely dreamed of this scenario. He wanted it to happen, just so he could flex his knowledge of the game. And for the first time in 48 years, the Los Angeles Chargers made a fair catch free kick in an NFL game last Thursday. A peculiar sequence of events led to it, but for the first time in my life, I got to see something that I had only ever heard of or seen secondhand. Denver was faced with absolutely terrible field position at the end of the first half and couldn’t dig themselves out of the mud. Time wound down for them, and they punted it away as time was coming to a close and the teams were about to hit the locker rooms. Los Angeles’ returner called for a fair catch and was hit on the play. The bad field position to begin with didn’t help Denver’s punter trying to pin them deep, and the 15 added yards to the return gave it to the Chargers at Denver’s 40. Faced with the decision to either go for a hail Mary, kneel out the clock, or utilize the seldom-used loophole, Jim Harbaugh went for the long, uncontested kick. And Cameron Dicker nailed the 57-yard field goal, the longest fair catch free kick in NFL history. Sean Payton, the head coach of the Broncos, was interviewed at halftime, and he told the sideline reporter that his own team practiced scenarios like that, so it’s not uncommon in the NFL to be aware of the situation, apparently. Reach Brandt Young at (910) 247-9036, at byoung@clintonnc.com, or on the Sampson Independent Facebook page.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A machinists strike. Another safety problem involving its troubled top-selling airliner. A plunging stock price. 2024 was already a dispiriting year for Boeing, the American aviation giant. But when one of the company's jets crash-landed in South Korea on Sunday, killing all but two of the 181 people on board, it brought to a close an especially unfortunate year for Boeing. The cause of the crash remains under investigation, and aviation experts were quick to distinguish Sunday's incident from the company’s earlier safety problems. Alan Price, a former chief pilot at Delta Air Lines who is now a consultant, said it would be inappropriate to link the incident Sunday to two fatal crashes involving Boeing’s troubled 737 Max jetliner in 2018 and 2019. In January this year, a door plug blew off a 737 Max while it was in flight, raising more questions about the plane. The Boeing 737-800 that crash-landed in Korea, Price noted, is “a very proven airplane. "It’s different from the Max ...It’s a very safe airplane.’’ For decades, Boeing has maintained a role as one of the giants of American manufacturing. But the the past year's repeated troubles have been damaging. The company's stock price is down more than 30% in 2024. The company's reputation for safety was especially tarnished by the 737 Max crashes, which occurred off the coast of Indonesia and in Ethiopia less than five months apart in 2018 and 2019 and left a combined 346 people dead. In the five years since then, Boeing has lost more than $23 billion. And it has fallen behind its European rival, Airbus, in selling and delivering new planes. Last fall, 33,000 Boeing machinists went on strike, crippling the production of the 737 Max, the company's bestseller, the 777 airliner and 767 cargo plane. The walkout lasted seven weeks, until members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers agreed to an offer that included 38% pay raises over four years. In January, a door plug blew off a 737 Max during an Alaska Airlines flight. Federal regulators responded by imposing limits on Boeing aircraft production that they said would remain in place until they felt confident about manufacturing safety at the company. In July, Boeing agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit fraud for deceiving the Federal Aviation Administration regulators who approved the 737 Max. Acting on Boeing’s incomplete disclosures, the FAA approved minimal, computer-based training instead of more intensive training in flight simulators. Simulator training would have increased the cost for airlines to operate the Max and might have pushed some to buy planes from Airbus instead. (Prosecutors said they lacked evidence to argue that Boeing’s deception had played a role in the crashes.) But the plea deal was rejected this month by a federal judge in Texas, Reed O’Connor , who decided that diversity, inclusion and equity or DEI policies in the government and at Boeing could result in race being a factor in choosing an official to oversee Boeing’s compliance with the agreement. Boeing has sought to change its culture. Under intense pressure over safety issues, David Calhoun departed as CEO in August. Since January, 70,000 Boeing employees have participated in meetings to discuss ways to improve safety. Copyright 2024 The Associated Press . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Tate McCubbin scores 20 as Austin Peay rolls past Brescia 93-46The Gophers men’s basketball team overwhelmed Morgan State 90-68 on Sunday, but it was the final bullet point on how underwhelming Minnesota’s nonconference schedule has been this season. The Gophers (8-5) have a “strength of resume” ranked 156th in the nation, according to ESPN on Sunday. And Minnesota’s spot in the overall NET ranking (155) won’t improve come Monday, not with a win over a Morgan State team ranked nearly 200 spots lower at 353. ADVERTISEMENT Minnesota was a 22-point favorite and received a huge 22-point first half from Mike Mitchell to win easily in its final tune-up before Big Ten play resumes Thursday at home versus Purdue. Gophers head coach Ben Johnson in August expressed the difficulty to balance the competitiveness of the nonconference slate with who’s available to book and what’s best for this year’s team. “Sometimes the hardest thing for fans to grasp fully is so much of it is a numbers game,” Johnson said at the Minnesota State Fair. “It’s a give and take. You don’t know your team fully and you don’t know the other teams. Sometimes you can roll the dice and go with a team that, quote, might not have the name, but you know will be really good in their league, where if you play a Power Five team and they aren’t good in their league, the game means nothing. It’s great to have a name (opponent), but if they finish bottom four, the numbers go down.” Minnesota joined a multi-team, neutral-site event in Orlando around Thanksgiving but lost both games, to Wichita State and Wake Forest. They also lost to North Texas at The Barn earlier in November. Those three teams each have NET rankings in the Top 80. “There are a couple (of games) that we wish we had back,” Johnson said of the overall nonconference schedule. “Obviously Wichita State still stings. You feel like if you had a healthy Mike and play in the North Texas game. ... But when you have a new team, so much of it is hitting adversity and being able to figure it out.” While Morgan State (6-10) won’t help the U’s resume, the win should aid confidence before facing a Boilermakers team picked in preseason to win the Big Ten come March. Morgan State, which lost by 61 points to Xavier and by 27 to No. 3 Iowa State, played Sunday without leading scorers Winston Tabbs (16.1 points per game) and Amahrie Simpkins (12.7). Minnesota staked a 55-37 lead at the half on the back of Mitchell’s perfection. He made all eight jump shots, including six 3-pointers, for 22 points; that total bested his previous U high of 20 points against Ball State last season. Mitchell missed both of his two shots in the second half and sat during garbage time, falling one point short of his career-high while with Pepperdine in 2022. ADVERTISEMENT “I think it kind of built into that,” Mitchell said. “Teammates found me when I was open and the ball went in.” How did it feel once he finally missed? “Dang,” he said. The Gophers’ poorer start to this season came with Mitchell sidelined for seven games with a high ankle sprain — including all three defeats — and his return is vital as the U looks to dig out of an early 0-2 hole in conference play next week. Dawson Garcia added 18 points and eight rebounds, while Parker Fox chipped in 11 points as Minnesota used 11 players. Frank Mitchell returned Sunday after missing the Dec. 21 win over Farleigh Dickinson while in concussion protocol. He scored 10 points in 11 minutes on Sunday. “You want to come off (the holiday) break and have a little bit of momentum going into January,” Johnson said. “I think we did that.” ______________________________________________________ This story was written by one of our partner news agencies. Forum Communications Company uses content from agencies such as Reuters, Kaiser Health News, Tribune News Service and others to provide a wider range of news to our readers. Learn more about the news services FCC uses here .

The decision by special counsel Jack Smith, who had fiercely sought to hold Mr Trump criminally accountable for his efforts to subvert the 2020 election, represented the end of the federal effort against the former president following his election victory this month despite the election-related cases and multiple other unrelated criminal charges against him. The move, announced in court papers, marks the end of the Justice Department’s landmark effort to hold Mr Trump accountable for what prosecutors called a criminal conspiracy to cling to power in the run-up to his supporters’ attack on the US Capitol on January 6 2021. In court papers, prosecutors said the Justice Department’s position “is that the Constitution requires that this case be dismissed before the defendant is inaugurated”. Mr Smith’s team emphasised that the move to abandon the prosecutions, in federal courts in Washington and Florida, was not a reflection of their view on the merits of the cases but rather a reflection of their commitment to longstanding department policy. “That prohibition is categorical and does not turn on the gravity of the crimes charged, the strength of the Government’s proof, or the merits of the prosecution, which the Government stands fully behind,” the prosecutors wrote in Monday’s court filing in the election interference case. The decision was expected after Mr Smith’s team began assessing how to wind down both the 2020 election interference case and the separate classified documents case in the wake of Mr Trump’s victory over Vice President Kamala Harris. The Justice Department believes Trump can no longer be tried in accordance with longstanding policy that says sitting presidents cannot be prosecuted. Mr Trump has cast both cases as politically motivated and has vowed to fire Mr Smith as soon as he takes office in January. The 2020 election case brought last year was once seen as one of the most serious legal threats facing the Republican as he vied to reclaim the White House. However, it quickly stalled amid legal fighting over Mr Trump’s sweeping claims of immunity from prosecution for acts he took while in the White House. The US Supreme Court in July ruled for the first time that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution, and sent the case back to US District Judge Tanya Chutkan to determine which allegations in the indictment, if any, could proceed to trial. The case was just beginning to pick up steam again in the trial court in the weeks leading up to this year’s election. Mr Smith’s team filed a lengthy brief in October laying out new evidence they planned to use against him at trial, accusing him of “resorting to crimes” in an increasingly desperate effort to overturn the will over voters after he lost to President Joe Biden.Zelensky, who has had his own experiences with election interference and disinformation campaigns, emphasized the importance of upholding the integrity of democratic processes. He highlighted the need for transparency, accountability, and respect for the rule of law in order to preserve the foundation of democracy.

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FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — The NFL removed New England Patriots safety Jabrill Peppers from the commissioner exempt list on Monday, making him eligible to participate in practice and play in the team’s games. Peppers missed seven games since being placed on the list on Oct. 9 after he was arrested and charged with shoving his girlfriend’s head into a wall and choking her. The league said its review is ongoing and is not affected by the change in Peppers’ roster status.Kopitar scores twice in third, Kings fight back for 5-4 win over FlyersGranite Bears outrun Raptors, advance to Sweet 16

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Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble adds Godzilla and Hatsune MikuAs the Christmas decorations are packed away and the last of the mince pies finally eaten, this is the ideal time to start planning your next skiing adventure. While skiing is often considered a luxury escape, it’s entirely possible to enjoy a memorable trip without breaking the bank if you plan wisely. With countless destinations to choose from, ranging from the picturesque Alpine resorts to lesser-known gems, there’s something for everyone to discover. Whether you’re a seasoned pro carving through the snow or a beginner taking to the slopes for the first time, thoughtful planning and budget-friendly travel tips can make all the difference. The key to securing an affordable ski holiday lies in being flexible, taking advantage of early-bird deals, and considering cost-saving options like self-catered accommodation . Skiing offers the chance to explore stunning, snow-covered mountains while enjoying the thrill of gliding down the slopes, no matter your level of experience. It’s a family-friendly activity that combines adventure, fitness, and the beauty of nature in a truly memorable way. European ski resorts are famous not only for their exceptional skiing but also for their lively off-piste attractions, including vibrant après-ski scenes filled with delicious food, music and entertainment. Eager to plan your next ski holiday but worried about the cost? We’ve gathered some of the best tips to help you enjoy the slopes without breaking the bank. Book early You can spread out the cost of your holiday by paying a deposit upfront when you book early. You can also get the best choice of resorts and accommodation, especially during popular times. The European ski season lasts until late March so there is still plenty of time, but being weather dependant late season ski trips may also come with less snow. If you can't find a good enough deal for this year, consider waiting a while and booking for 2026 instead. The summer months are usually known as "offer season" when ski resorts offer discounts on lift passes and hotels may add perks for early bookers Book off-peak Avoid busy holidays and weekends, including the February half term holiday period and Easter if it falls in March. If you can take advantage of last-minute deals, January can represent excellent value for money, with the colder weather likely to deter fair weather skiers on higher ground. The best European snow falls are often found in February, but do keep in mind that French schools also have a break around this time meaning some resorts can get very busy. Be flexible Flexibility with your travel dates lets you take advantage of cheaper midweek flights and reduced accommodation rates during off-peak periods. You can also find last-minute deals and align your trip with the most budget-friendly options. Departing mid week can also mean you are more likely to find cheaper travel and lodging options., as does opting for 5 or 10 day holidays, instead of the usual 7 or 14 nights stays. Choose a budget resort Being seen on the slopes at Courchevel or Val d’Isère may be a dream for the upper classes, but for those of us on a budget these resorts aren't even worth considering. Luckily enough incredible skiing can be found throughout Europe with resorts such as Bansko in Bulgaria, Jasná in Slovakia, Livigno in Italy, Les Houches in France, Andorra and Söll in Austria, amongst other, still offer first class slopes without the pretentious price tag. It's also worth noting that some smaller resorts have sky runs that connect to the more upmarket destinations, meaning you can still show of your skiing prowess with having to spend a fortune. Go self catering Self-catering is often more affordable than staying in a fully-catered hotel. You’ll save on meal costs, which can add up quickly in ski resorts where dining out is expensive. Cooking your own meals also allows you to control your food budget, and most ski resorts will have local supermarkets where you can stock up on heart warming food and beverages. Rent your equipment This is a bit obvious as most brits won't want to buy a load of skiing gear to fly around Europe with them. Hire prices can really hike up the price of your holiday, but making some clever choices could keep costs down. Always book in advance if you have time as most rental shops offer discounts for online bookings. It also pays dividends to hire off-slope as equipment in the resort can be more expensive that shops based just outside. In some cases renting for longer periods offers bigger discounts and you can always return them early, and there is no need to pay for premium brands when standard gear and 'basic' packages will serve you just as well.A phishing scam is targeting southern California residents in recent weeks over toll or violations. Several drivers of the Metro ExpressLanes complaining of receiving text messages asking for sensitive banking information or payment of fines. While the majority of the targets have been drivers of the Metro ExpressLanes, several drivers not using those lanes have also received the texts. In response to the flood of complaints received about the scam, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority has put out an advisory and warning about the scam. It also clarified that the Metro ExpressLanes system has not been hacked, as some drivers suspected. Rather, it was a directed attack by hackers from different servers. "As soon as Metro became aware of the fraudulent text messages, we posted a warning about it on our ExpressLanes website home page." the message read. "The ExpressLanes system has not been hacked, and no customer information has been compromised." How To Spot Deceptive Messages From Hackers? In the advisory released by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the department clarified that it does not send text messages to drivers on the Fastrak ExpressLane asking for sensitive information or requesting payment. As a result, any text messages about the same are likely to be dubious and a phishing attack. Here are some of the screenshots of the messages that users received and subsequently shared on social media. What To Do If You Receive A Text? If you receive these messages, DO NOT respond or open any links attached to the text. "If a text message claims to be from Metro ExpressLanes regarding tolls or violations, do not respond to the message, do not use any links in the message, and do not use any contact information provided in the message," the advisory said. "Contact the ExpressLanes Customer Service at (877) 812-0022 for questions. " Get Latest News Live on Times Now along with Breaking News and Top Headlines from US News, World and around the world.

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